The "Slayer" guy??

Lee_B said:
Does this happen worldwide?

You'll be watching a band, no matter who, and some drunk arsehole will, without fail, scream "SLLLLAAAAAAYYYYEEEERRR" between every song.

Happens here, anyway...

absolutely, happens at about every show i attend (in either PA or NJ)

btw, where's "here" i dunno where u reside, lee?
:kickass: ... i do the SLayer thing sometimes ... hell ... I wanted to do it at the Slough Feg show the other day.

yelling "OZZY" is another popular one.
Absolutely. At one show we were playing this track and we ended it by medlying it into Seasons in the Abyss. After we were done, someone yelled out "PLAY SOME SLAYER!!!".

Moonie's Sig said:

Issue #3 of Northern Shadows endorsed by Moonie and consequently, indirectly endorsed by Opeth... hell we DID feature an interview with 'em in there.

at a cryptopsy show between the songs: "FUCK! that was FUCKING AWESOME! FUUUUCK!" between every song. at incredible volume.
at an opeth concert: "creed!"

both were amusing if you were there.
These three drunk guys kept screaming "play some fucking deeeeath metal" at the Damnation tour show for Opeth. They werent expecting that kind of set obviously. At one point Martin did a 5 second blast beat just to appease them.
when i get my usual boredom spurts at shows, i usually yell something rediculous

PENIS is always a crowd-favorite
SATAN always gets giggles from every band
random screams are always good ones... especially when there is a brief moment of silence in between songs, when nobody is talking, even in the audience.

but yeah, those Slayer people are always in Philly

the vocalist of Tapping the Vein responded with "Oh yeah, that's really original."