The soon to be legendary NSGUITAR studio thread.

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You're the one dude on here I can't stand.. I like guru more than you dude.

You always bring up cash when it comes to this shit. Just because I only have an interface doesn't mean I don't have cash. Perhaps I choose to save my cash, and spend it on different things? I'm not going to get into where I choose to invest my money and how much money I have. So neither should you.

If you want to sit here and critique everything you know about me, be my fucking guest.

And just like this, thatll stop too if you post a pic of your ilok account. Thats all anyone asks dude, prove it, and the ass ramming shall be over.
Waves Mercury Bundle proof!!!!! :Smokin:


Im sorry, but people who just have an interface prob dont have 7k to drop on waves mercury bundle. yet he does. So the fag posts a pic of him sitting all faggy crosslegged in a metal chair and we're supposed to be convinced he's not a liar about anything? come the fuck on.
Who gives a shit how good he can play guitar? I certainly dont. Ability doesnt change the fact he's a jackass. Hitler could shred too, we all know how that worked out.

"Ive got a seven thousand dollar plugin bundle, but I sit lady-like on a metal foldout chair."

Its the lies more than anything guys. It just gets irritating when adults lie.

We already know the guys is a liar. The point of this was to get REAL studio pics. Not see if hes a liar or not. The lies have been established and torn to pieces all over this forum. i didnt think we needed to prove it anymore then we already have.

Lets all just let it go. You can all react to all of this however you like, but know that now we have some REAL photos of his rig. Its your choice to forgive and forget or to continue to crucify him, but what I wanted out of this thread I got.... Real Pics.

BBQ sauce, extra large pepperoni, sausage, reformed smoke flavored ham, onion, mozzarella, red cheddar and BBQ stuffed crust.

You guys think he's the only one using cracked plugins on this forum? Seriously? One of the most hyped engineers on this board has admitted using cracked Waves plugins and no-one gives two fucks about that, even though it's generally agreed upon that we do not condone piracy? This shit is pretty much getting ridiculous. Drop the fucking halos and let it go, even guitarguru777, who's played the devil's advocate here, already said he's satisfied and even gave the guy credit on being a good sport.

You guys think he's the only one using cracked plugins on this forum? Seriously? One of the most hyped engineers on this board has admitted using cracked Waves plugins and no-one gives two fucks about that, even though it's generally agreed upon that we do not condone piracy? This shit is pretty much getting ridiculous. Drop the fucking halos and let it go, even guitarguru777, who's played the devil's advocate here, already said he's satisfied and even gave the guy credit on being a good sport.


Yeah, I'm down with closing this thread, honestly.
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