The Star Wars Thread

They could have made Anakin a badass from the get go.
No whining from mommy dying. Just anger, pure rage. Have Yoda confront him about it and show Anakin learning to hide his anger through the force so the masters couldnt read it. When Obi Wan wasnt around him during battles and fights have him destroying people. A no mercy attitude, wanting to hurt and cause pain to others before killing them. And then finally making the anger so strong that he cant control it and then he goes nuts. Thats the fucking Anakin I wanted to see. Not this bullshit about I love you, mommy is dead, the council doesnt like me.
^Indeed, not to mention that fact that the main catalyst for him turning to the dark side was him wanting to save Padme, that was pretty gay.


I'd hate to think what this guys face looks like after this:


^Indeed, not to mention that fact that the main catalyst for him turning to the dark side was him wanting to save Padme, that was pretty gay.
hell, they could have even had Anakin do something so bad that Yoda and Mace had to send other jedis after Anakin to bring him in (kinda like being arrested) and Anakin ends up killing all of them. Palpy finds out and goes to Anakin. and he doesnt just talk to him. Anakin attacks palpy and isnt able to do a damn thing. Then palpy chokes him and even semi tortures him and forces him to realize what he was meant for.

God dammit, fuck lucas. I should be writing this shit!
Kriggy for Episodes 7-9!

I am however, looking forward to Clone Wars. Lucas had pretty much nothing to do with it.

edit: Lets not discuss the prequels anymore, makes me sad. Original Trilogy > Masturbation.
For the most part, yeah. Though I still think that III is pretty good, though obviously not to the level of the original trilogy. I mean, in true star wars style, it opens with an epic battle. I is pretty much the worst movie ever made, with the only redeeming quality being Darth Maul who is barely in it, besides the final fight (which is actually pretty good I think).
i actually liked number one, Liam and Ewan where good i thought, only thing that turned it off for me was fucking Jar-Jar.

Legacy is really good so far, even if Jacen's character is a LITTLE familiar, i haven't read the last one though.
You are referring to the novel series "Legacy of the Force", and not the comic series simply titled "Legacy", yes? I was just looking into the novels. They're good, huh? Its been a while (8 years or so) since I've read any of the extended universe novels, and I don't remember anything about any of them. Do this particular series read like children's books, or is it higher quality than that?
You are referring to the novel series "Legacy of the Force", and not the comic series simply titled "Legacy", yes? I was just looking into the novels. They're good, huh? Its been a while (8 years or so) since I've read any of the extended universe novels, and I don't remember anything about any of them. Do this particular series read like children's books, or is it higher quality than that?

ah yeah i don't really follow the comics but the book is an adult book, mabye 300 pages or so, not too big.