The Systematic Mixing Guide - NOW OUT!

Gratz Ermin ....
Wishing you all the success with this new body of work.

Will buy a copy next week.
Mine!!! For 16.41€,to be precise. This is going to be printed and bound, and after reading I think it will be right there, within reach, right next to Owsinski, Stavrou, Izhaki and the others...
Congrats Ermz!
The moment I saw it on Facebook I purchased it, been reading it since, at page 47 now and i'll probably forget most of it but that's the beauty of it, I can go back later to check!

This doesn't seem much like a "preset" guide (which is good!!), but more like a "general guidelines/tips-n-tricks" type of guide which kinda makes you think for yourself and try the stuff you learn out by yourself.

Still kind of inexperienced to the whole mixing thing, and this just shoves a metric buttload of things I never knew onto me. You guys that do this full time must really, really love it :D
There aren't any plans for a print copy as of yet, but we did work very hard to format it in a way which would cater toward people getting it printed and bound themselves, if they so wish.

Thank you all for the interest. The link going live so early blindsided me, so I'm working catch up to ensure everyone who was waiting hears about it ASAP.

Hey dude, a lot of places won't actually print copyrighted material without consent of the author.. So just giving you the heads up Officeworks won't print mine :(
read it already >.<.
Many new things i want to try for my next mix.

Also it would be awesome to have a little Q&A thread with Ermz about the topics discussed in the guide... *wink wink*
I purchased it so I now know that it is $20, but a website without a pricetag for the product? Why???

It's smart marketing, and it worked on you. You wanted the product, you didn't care about the price, so why display it until you go to pay for it. The money is trivial, the product is the focus.
Empathy: that's not how it worked. I knew it would be 15-20 Euros because that's what has been discussed before. And if it turns out when I get into my PayPal account that the price is higher than I am prepared to pay - then I won't buy it.

I actually considered NOT buying it simply because I disliked the fact that the price wasn't given.

Also: whoever got the idea to put the testimonials in a scroll-box needs to start factoring in that the testimonials are super-important ... and having to scroll for them hides most of them.
Just bought this. Excited to read through it all. Definitely a fair price too.
Hey guys,

Thank you all for the interest. I hope you enjoy the read, and of course any further plugging you do is appreciated.

I'd actually really appreciate if any of you would give the promotional thread on Gearslutz a hand, as I don't frequent the place much and the guide is lesser-known over there!

There has been a bunch of feedback coming in, mostly about the splash page, and it gives us a good insight into how to potentially improve it. Truthfully, for me the priority was getting this guide out, so I was quite happy to sign off on a simple promo page. I think the important stuff is what's within the guide itself. Regardless, I'll see if there is any chance to touch things up.