The Systematic Mixing Guide - NOW OUT!

I cannot imagine the scope of the work involved in this. Cheers and congrats on achieving this. I think its a huge deal.

I will be purchasing this weekend and it came at a great time as I'm about to work on a mix.

Thank you.

Congrats on completing it but I found it short (c.1hrs read) and didn't find anymore info from you then what you've already posted on the forum. Good read nonetheless and only $20.
Cheers guys - hope you continue to get something from the guide.

One thing I wanted to mention:

To those of you who are wanting to order the mixing guide, but don't have a PayPal account: don't worry! On the PayPal log-in page there is a link which says 'Don't have a PayPal account? Pay with your debit or credit card as a PayPal guest'.

This will let you check out without using a PayPal account!
Congrats on completing it but I found it short (c.1hrs read) and didn't find anymore info from you then what you've already posted on the forum. Good read nonetheless and only $20.

All the useful and knowledgeable shit Ermz has put forward all in 1 neat package.. that's the kicker for me :P Having said that after reading it there were definitely some things that were cleared up that I've never asked Ermz or sections which I haven't seen Ermz mention/ elaborate on before.

Nice to have a quick little reference guide so to speak on the desk :P
Not sure on iphone but on the ipad i opened it in Safari then on top little tab gives you the option to open in ibook and it transfers there.
one of the most highly sought after independent mix engineers in the country & abroad.

Hahahahahahahahahahhahahah sorry dude I don't mean to be a hater but that is an outrageous and fantastical statement. You really consider yourself one of the most highly sought after mix engineers in the world? Seriously?
Got it yesterday, read through it. Very concise and clearly written stuff; love it. Great work.
Hahahahahahahahahahhahahah sorry dude I don't mean to be a hater but that is an outrageous and fantastical statement. You really consider yourself one of the most highly sought after mix engineers in the world? Seriously?

loool i know right! his mixes kinda suckkk