The Systematic Mixing Guide - NOW OUT!

I'm going to buy it too but I have one question before purchasing.

I would like to download one time for work (to read it for lunch break), and one more time for home. am I able to do that or there is just one download per purchase ?

I precise that I can't plug a USB Key cause I work in a big business company and no data is allowed to leave the walls of the company.

If this is not possible, I will purchase and download at home.

everyone get this guide NOW!!
not only it has TONS of info and will save you many years of trying to get decent sounds

but also Ermz is a great guy :kickass: i already asked a couple of questions on facebook about stuff he mentioned in the guide
and he has been more than helpful :notworthy

best 20 bucks spent.EVER.:D
That's my first post here. Been follwing Ultimate Metal for months and loved your free guitars and drums mixing guide.

Would love to buy your book but I can't use Paypal :erk: Is there another way to buy the book?
I'm glad you enjoyed the online guides. For a non-PayPal checkout:
