The T.V. thread...

Currently rewatching a tv-series I loved even as a young teenager. Winds of War from 1983.
Gotta love Robert Mitchum.
Lockup has some good moments. This has probably been posted before but :lol:

My Grammaw was absolutely addicted to Lockup. They do marathons every weekend so I'd spend hours sitting there watching it when I'd visit. Shit started invading my dreams, wtf. The Booty Dude rules face. So awesome. So creepy. :lol:

I'm watching season 4 of True Blood. I enjoy it because I'm a fucking homo. Need to watch Carnivale soon because I've been borrowing the boxset from a friend for about 2 years now.
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religiously watched True BLood the first 2 season ... then gave up ... this show ain't going nowhere.
Nope. But I like evil beings not acting evil. And it has regular amounts of blood and tits.

I mean if I'm going to watch television, it better be pretty stupid. True Blood fits.
Gus has his reasons, but everyone else that isnt a fuckin jerk is totally excited!

cmon BB holdouts, this show fuckin rules every dumb-ass police-procedural you guys try to claim is more than just another police-procedural