The T.V. thread...

Firefly was good, but it is a bit over rated by a lot of the fanboys. it was building, just starting to get really good at the end of the season. i'll bet season 2 would've been awesome though had they made it.
This is some bone-chilling shit right here. God, I love this show. (WARNING: plenty of spoilers)

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Firefly was good, but it is a bit over rated by a lot of the fanboys. it was building, just starting to get really good at the end of the season. i'll bet season 2 would've been awesome though had they made it.

exactly my thoughts
it wasn't really the awesome show the obsessive fanboys hype it up to be
but at the same time
it wasn't the horrible-as-hell show that everyone else claims it to be
it totally looked like the kinda show where the second season's a million times better than the first
except that the second season never happened
Netflix is such a goat damn farce. I scrolled through every piece of drivel that they offer stream wise, and only found 4 suitable movies/shows to view in one week of ailing.

1)The Untouchables- Is this a Disney flick? Whoever lauds this as a legit gangster flick needs to come to the favela of my dismay. You'd get a better gangster flick ordering tacos at La Estrellla. This is pure comedy of the most family friendly nature. Every time Sean Connery opened his grey gape I cringed. Hollywood needs to ween itself away from geriatric machisimo, ugh.

2)Cropsy - Documentary recommended by Thar Hill about some Staten Island slobbermouth who abducted kids in the 70s. Pretty decent overall, my mind was blown from the footage of Willowbrook, an institution for retarded children, ran by retarded adults. Scenes of kids playing in their own shit in a setting straight out of Silent Hill. Do a search on youtube, it will boggle your mind.

3)Escape from Alcatraz - Pretty damn good flick, but I was quite perturbed at how derivative Shawshank Redemption is of this flick. Pretty much lifted every nuance of the film. For shame!

4)IASIP Seasons 1 & 2, ahhhh the memories of when this show was actually funny.
I watched one episode of Archer a few weeks ago, after a friend pestered me long enough to do just that, against my will.

I loaded the deck with a beer, but it was still the perfect example of why I hate every god damn thing about television.

EDIT: Well to be fair I've also watched a few episodes of Lost Girl recently and I enjoy that. Especially at 4am when I can't sleep.
archer took a few episodes to grow on me...

Spartacus started back up! opened with excessive gore and then cut straight to tits, love this show.

just started Superjail! season 3 and it seems to be maybe more leaning back to season 1 with the insane psychedelic chaotic carnage, and i wholeheartedly approve.
Lol, name some? T.V Series always end up going down the shitter a couple seasons in. It seems like the only flawless shows such as (Deadwood for ex.) cut it under three seasons. Breaking Bad is one of those rare exceptions.

But seriously, recommend some good tv, the medium stinks!
The Wire (best ever)
Breaking Bad
The Sopranos
Mad Men

Have not seen, but hear are great:
Six Feet Under
Sons of Anarchy