The "Talk about yourself" thread

im going to see tool next thursday. can't wait.
i play drums. me and my friend who plays bass "jam" a lot and play sorta dream theater style but a lot heavier. it's very different, no real song structure (verse, chorus) which was very motw influenced.
other than playing and writing music, everything else i do is boring.
cripes! i'm 20 years old and spend days and nights in a very grim, decadent and wither'd country where everything is possible.

i am sort of optimistic and not a misanthrope, but i find locations more interesting than people - yet always looking for exceptions. i was a huge Opeth fan at the time when i joined the board, now i act as idea-janitor on the Anathema and Opeth (and now motW) forums.

i love music with all my soul, interested in all music, all forms of it (really). i like the idea of 'pure listening' - unclouded perception of art, not dependant on temporary emotional reactions or functional elements (head banging is our monkey part). i don't like only trite or dumb music - that is all.

i won't list all of my favourite stuff (i use the 'now playing' feature for this, sometimes i'll even put something in that field when i'm not currently listening to anything), but just for the sake of Jah: lately i've been very fond of Mark Hollis and Nick Drake, and also listened a lot to Charles Mingus and John Coltrane. my most beloved classical composer is probably Messiaen.

i have motW's double album 'b/lybm' and like it quite a bit, but i'm more interested in the band's future efforts. i can also say that motW is maybe the only 'metal' band that has something interesting to say in interviews, ideas which i can totally relate to. plus, the lyrics to 'Birth Pains...' are awesome.

i play piano since childhood, and guitar for a year or more. most of the time i spend improvising; i have written no music since i left my band in january 2001 - my knowledge couldn't support my ambitions anymore, so now i'm studying composition by myself and trying to start anew, beginning with the simple stuff. i've been writing lyrics and poems, for years now, and only this year i began to come up with something that i think of as 'real'.

besides music, i enjoy cinema a lot (the work of Fellini, Kubrick, Resnais, Lynch, Stelling, Tarkovski, Kurosawa, Greenaway, Kieslowski and many others), read big books (Joyce, Kafka, Borges, W. Burroughs, S. Lem), i also love the poetry of Rimbaud, Eliot and cummings. i also love name-dropping my favourites all the time. +)

i don't use cap letters that much because of conceptual, aesthetic and utilitarian reasons (gong!!). because english isn't my first language, i sometimes rent identities and styles of more linguistically advanced personalities to put forth my thoughts, and my posts can look a tad eclectic and odd in places (for which i terribly apologize in advance). my real name begins with the letter A, but i camouflage myself as "D Mullholand" because i was born in the wrong century.

until then,
may all be well.