The thing you hate most about metal?

I don't like the music industry. The industry determines who gets famous and who does not. The industry pushes certain styles and acts (even in the metal genre) to get some eMpTV and radio time. Being a sucessful artist monetarily has little to do with talent. A great example is the fact Fates Warning is opening for Dream Theater. That's not to say DT is a bad band, but they might not even exist without FW opening the doors of progressive metal especially in the US. DT had a successful "hit" from "Pull Me Under" and although I think it's a fine song, it's biggest asset was it's commercial value. Because it was pushed as a single and played on MTV over and over, it hit more listeners (including me) and helped create DT's popularity. While that is not a bad thing at all, there are many quality bands out there making great music that won't get a chance at getting a video played on TV.

I for one, loathe the stereotypical metal fans. And no matter what show you go to there always seems to be one of them right next to you crowding your space and sweating all over you, just being their assholish self.

You know, that one guy wearing a pit stained wife-beater with his "too obscure for you" black metal t-shirt draped over his right shoulder...torn up jeans that have never witnessed the wonders of a washing machine...chuging down his tenth beer in the course of an hour and just standing there next to you baked out of his mind screaming obsenities at any band that is'nt the band HE wanted to see, feeling up girls as they move through the crowd, and picking fights with anyone who looks at him the wrong way.
I have three things I hate:

1) That metal = Male Teenage Angst, in some cases this is true- but the media, and the general public feel the need to paint metal as a form of music that is only directed towards pissed off teenagers, and is in effect immature.

2) That most women hate metal- I have only had one girlfriend that could tolerate metal and thats becuase she grew up with brothers that loved metal- In fact I usually never bring up what kind of music I listen to, as I know what the female reaction will be- "oh you listen to that stuff"- with a strange look on their face- I really dont care that much, but stating you love Slayer is not a good thing to bring up on a first date- or any date for that matter- I think it ties back to the immaturity thing.

3) Egomaniacal lead guitarists, as a drummer, I am kinda of happy that guitar solos are a bit dead- I think we have all had enough of the ego obsessed guitarist who thinks he is better than everyone else, and who has to have a thousand needless solos, to show how good he is- I am tired of it, and I am glad so many lazy guitarists that dont care about showing off, seem to be controlling rock these days.
Bryant said:
I happen to like Malmsteen from Odyssee backwards. Hie first four releases were awesome. He did get a bit stale after those though.


No no! You're allowed to like him. But to worship him? Kinda' get's on my nerves...
I don't hate anything about metal except the POMG NO CHRISTINS EW!!?11/1? kind of attitude certain bands have... actually, I hate a lot more things about metal fans and metal stereotypes then metal bands.


- A lot of fans have the same attitude that some bands do that I described above, sheepily
- A lot of fans are t00 Ünderground for the rest of us
- A lot of fans tend to be completely gay when criticizing their favorite bands. i.e. "This sounds that way, it should sound this way." (assuming the identity of the songwriter or any other person is illegal last time I checked) "Oh no, it doesn't sound exactly like the last album, they sold out." "Oh no, it sounds exactly like the last album, they're boring." Etc etc etc....


- If you like metal, then you love Metallica, and Ozzy, and devil worshipping music
- If you like metal, you worship the devil
- Metal is just a bunch of screaming
- If you like metal, you're pretty much a dumbass
- If you like metal, you're racist because usually you can't stand rap and disliking rap makes you racist.
- If you like metal, you're immature
- If you like metal, you're stuck in the 80's

I could go on for days. :yuk: :rolleyes:
1.The forementioned stereotypes about metal-screaming, it is noise, etc. Usually a dose of something like ARch Enemy, Dimmu Borgir, etc..and people begin to realize that metal has evolved, and talented musicians are heading there now to make heavy, melodic songs that are very complex.

2.Tha fans-
a.The overly "true" metal fans-if a band sells more than like 10 copies or gets more than like 100 fans, they are "sell outs" suddenly.
Ex-Dimmu Borgir They start selling a good number of discs, and they are "gay sellouts" etc.I have listned to their discs in order, and hate to tell ya folks...they have progressed in sytle, and really don't sound THAT much diff...there is still NOTHING overtly commerical in their sound.
I can see metal fans complaing about slipknot, etc as it's a poor attempt to agressive's pretty much heavy pop. Athough (and I will get flamed for this!), I think Disturbed is a good rock band. Not metal mind you, but pretty good for mainstream rock.

b.Fans who are VERY narrow minded-although Metal is my main music, I also have a good amount of Rock, Industrial, many forms of Electro(at one point, I gave up guitar and spent time learning synthesis/MIDI.etc), classical, blues, goth stuff like the sisters of mercy, even a kick ass country instrumental disc(The Hellecasters SHRED!!!)
Good music is good music-open your mind!

But...Metal is still number one!
- the flase metal - korn, limp bizkit, linkin park, metallica (new), adema, slipknot, fear factory (new), and many more.

- true metal fans (although i consider to be in that field myself) that they only want to socialize with the bands and thats it, which is their problem in my book.

- century media CEO. my goodness, this dude has to be the next carson daily considering he loves mtv like a little bitch, and yet, he is at the helm of the most powerful metal record label in the world.

- bands that are "progressed" (slayer, metallica, in flames, etc.).

- local bands that they think they are big after playing the milwaukee crapfest and kiss up to certain people (local college djs, venue owners, etc.) all the while being very rude to fans of their music.

- the milwaukee crapfest. jack, the $1000 rule is not helping you one bit considering your making it open game for losers in the hardcore, emo, trendcore community to get into your metal festival.

- the people in magazines that go nuts when some band that are nothing to metal (killswitch engage, shadows falls, etc.) join crapfest (ozzfest) and start saying that "its about time metal bands get the recognition". i mean, come one, shadows falls? killswitch engage?

mtv - the fact that once a band is getting recognition and building a solid fanbase that is getting bigger and bigger, they just can't ignore it, and rather than being fair to show a video of thiers before they got big, they do it afterwards. plus, mtv pushing such false metal bands as aformentioned and dictating it to be "metal" is rather pathetic.
This mabye rather long but meh..

Hardcore fans, they're so fucking elitest and blindingly obsessed with their image and how cool or tough they look.

Goths, whats with the corpse paint? it looks fucking gay and yet you still "hate" conformism yet you all look the same *shakes head*

Nu-metallers, i hate those fucking wannabes that put on some black lipstick and wear some fishnet and listen to murderdolls, slipknot etc... and reckon they're a goth who listens to death metal

Magazines like Kerrang for making metal a commodity in society, by giving out stickers that say "pop sucks" and a picture of gareth gates with "twat" over the front. Its just stupid, they're the reason why us metal fans have such a humourous reputation in society

Narrow minded people who think that all metal is noise, has no talent, its all just screaming, we're all stupid for listening to it, we're stupid "goffs" who worship the devil etc...

Not metal but still....All these stupid punks who walk round with stripey socks and sesame street tops and act as goofy as possible, IMO those people are the reason why punk is dead

Bands that try and look scary, with evil looks and sorta making claw shapes with their hands in promo shoots....sorry mate you just look dumb

Bands that are commercial whores but wont admitt it like in flames, soilwork, shadows fall etc...

Studded Belts, Baseball Caps, Tight T-shirts, Thick Lensed Glasses.......need i say more

The way that ozzfest has completely gone fucking crud, its just basically nu-metalfest now, and they think "i know, lets put an "old skool" band in, that'll satisfy the proper metallers" so they dump slayer on it, ok yeah slayer are awesome but they seem to think we'll be satisfied with that?

I think im done for now, people will probably say "i hate people like him" but meh
None_So_Vile said:
This mabye rather long but meh..

Goths, whats with the corpse paint? it looks fucking gay and yet you still "hate" conformism yet you all look the same *shakes head*

Nu-metallers, i hate those fucking wannabes that put on some black lipstick and wear some fishnet and listen to murderdolls, slipknot etc... and reckon they're a goth who listens to death metal

Narrow minded people who think that all metal is noise, has no talent, its all just screaming, we're all stupid for listening to it, we're stupid "goffs" who worship the devil etc...

Interesting! The thing is, these 'goths' and nu-metallers are afflicted with the same disease that you are. Ignorance. What's with looking the same? Everyone looks the same as someone else. What the fuck difference does it make how many there are on one side or the other?

Goths don't wear corpsepaint. Being a goth is all about a glam image, it comes from the fucking 70's. Y'know all those nu-metallers wearing fishnets and listening to Murderdolls? Hello! They are the goths! They dress in the same superficial glam way, they listen to the same type of image-obsessed glam bands. Your idea of the goth being a dark, evil, corpsepaint covered freak is just as media corrupted and incorrect as the general society's view of metal as a whole.

All this fucking hating that metal fans have. That's one of the biggest things that can irk me. Hating people for what they look like and for their ignorance is no less despicable than racism. Why don't you get yourself involved with goths and nu-metallers and see if you can divulge some 'real' metal to them huh, try and get them to see your way of things. Until then, stop hating and start doing.

Another great downfall of metal is the superficiality of the whole construct. Out of the thousands of metal bands in the world, underground or otherwise, how many of them actually bother to write worthy lyrics or music that is genuinely of chaotic, poisonous energy? Music that fulfills the ideas, purpose and social agenda of metal? Fuck all, that's how many.
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ok yeah i was a bit out of line there, my apologies for that, i just a wee bit pissed off with things. Sorry if i offended anyone

p.s i still hate corpse paint hehe
IOfTheStorm said:
SHITY bands get attention (cradle of filth, dummy burger, dark tranquility, in flames etc) and high quality bands dont get attention
regressive bands are considered by the crowd , progressive ( dream theater, opeth)
everyone likes the cheesier of each gengre (more like swedish melodic death than us brutal death, more like euro cheese power metal than usa quality MALE power metal)
and cradle of filth...they must perish in sickening vomit
fans must give attention to underground power metal bands and progressive bands (defyance is a good example, cauldron born another) and not to what is promoted in metal websites and everyone is talking about it ...someone must give the today's metalhead PERSONALITY in thinking ..

.... this kind of close mind... bitter people like this. But i preffer to ignore them.

But this guy has a point there....

IOfTheStorm said: what is promoted in metal websites and everyone is talking about it

There are a lot of good bands that no one has ever heard about... great bands with good music proposals... but they are too underground...

And i want to ask IOfThe Storm: don't you want your favorite "underground" band to be heard???? or you just like that just becose its "underground" and tr00???
first of all my greatest favourite bands of me , are not underground at all (Queensryche, Manowar, Black Sabbath, Psychotic Waltz) my fav bands are not underground as you see...
secondly ...
And i want to ask IOfThe Storm: don't you want your favorite "underground" band to be heard???? or you just like that just becose its "underground" and tr00???
did i say anywhere that i dont want an underground to be heard?
did i say anywhere that i just like it because it is underground?
why are you asking me questions , when you made your conclusions about me already..
i just made a comment about underground power/prog (my fav gengres) bands that sadly noone pays attention to them while they slay well known bands..
all i see here is that today's metalhead is lazy..
he doesnt want to search for bands , far from what or other well known websites provide him ..
high quality bands with amazing musicianship , technique and feeling die because of the real CLOSE MINDED metalheads who dont want to search a little bit more the music that they love, they are just ok with what they are given.If i had a band and we released a demo , i would have made very sad thought considering that in metal , everything works as a perfect copy of mainstream music industry .
so dont give me lessons about underground , of course underground is to be talked ..what difference makes for a major and famous heavy metal band (iced earth for example) another talk about them ...when nothing is said about bands that need to be promoted and they dont, because their music is out of fashion , even in metal ....