The things that make you angry thread


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
Stupid bitches dancing to gay rap (fake rap) whilst driving down the road, on their cell phones (which is illegal in WA state) with their gay fucking oversized sunglasses. Oh, not too mention the said whores who are fucking in high school and drive $60,000 cars, in which they wreck and cause rates to go up.

Korean drivers. Fucking Koreans are abundant in my area and not only do they all drive Mercedes, they can't fucking drive them. They turn slow, they drive 5 MPH under, they pull out in front of you and take like 20 fucking minutes to get to 35 MPH and they can't park for shit.

Don't even get me started on all of the fucking Mexicans taking over our Safeways. I go to Safeway in Twin Lakes and there are fucking 10 Mexican families with their fucking kids running around like it's goddamned Disneyland. Control your fucking children! At least us Caucasians and the Ukranians have the common decency to leave the little shitballs at home where they can't embarrass their parents.

Fucking A, I'm moving to Antarctica to go procreate with some penguins.
People with really heavy accents. If I tell you that I have trouble understanding you, that's not either one of our faults. Slow down, and give me a fucking break.
People that let the door shut in my face.

People that don't say thanks when I hold it for them.

Drivers that don't say thanks when you let them in.


People who don't drive the speed limit because they're talking on the phone or being distracted by their kids.

People playing Lotto and holding up lines. Seems it's always the lower class playing it looking for the easy way out instead of working for it.

Parents who don't control their kids in stores.
People that let the door shut in my face.

People that don't say thanks when I hold it for them.

That pisses me off a lot.

The other day I specifically stopped to hold open the door in a hotel for some people behind me and they just gave me a weird look as they walked through. Is it so surprising that the long haired kid in the Bloodbath shirt that says "Suck my guts" on the back could be helpful? :lol:
I hate it when I approach a customer and ask if they need any help, they say no, and then the moment I start to turn to another customer, that customer that didn't need any help all of a sudden needs help.
It feels good and surprises me actually that I'm having a hard time thinking of something to contribute to this thread. I'll try again tomorrow and see what happens.
Oh, I could certainly contribute. But, this board gets me giggling so much, that I no longer have the need to air it all out. I would have to ignore the other threads and make a b line to this one lol.
Here's something else that grinds my fucking gears:

The horns. Everyone gives the horns and doesn't understand that they're for brutalness only. Fucking Emo kids that listen to My Chemical Romance, punk fucks that listen to R. Kelly and faggotry and even hillbilly motherfuckers always have a picture on their goddamn GaySpace with them giving the horns. Fucking Christ, they need to listen to some fucking Death and then maybe they can throw up the horns.
The horns are gay all together. Nothing says "define me" like giving someone the horns.

Somebody please shoot that guy.

edit: I just thought of something that makes me angry:

George W. Bush