The things that make you angry thread

My cat has become such a pain in the ass of late. I have to buy a brand new comforter because of him, he pissed on it more than once, each time i wash it, he pisses in the same damn spot.

I've finally banned him from my room altogether. Going to have to get him declawed if i keep him, he's been destroying all my mouldings beside the doors. Now I have to sand them all down and repaint them.

This cat is costing me more than I ever imagined.
Xena did that when she got real irritated with me about anything. The bad thing is, when she starts it hard to get her to stop because now she thinks that is bathroom spot I think. Well I got her completely broke of the habit and she's only done it one time since coming to Athens.

Did you wash it more then once, and with really hot water? They can smell what we cannot, so your kitty might think that has become a bathroom spot. Those cosmic catnip scratching posts keeps them high and gives them something good to scratch on.
My cat loves to bite! She loves to run down the hall, grab a hold of an ankle and chomp down! Nothing pleases her more to make you holler either. lol. She will then follow your ass and jump your leg again! She knows that she is Queen of the house!

Smokey was a little different. His bites would occur whilst petting him. Everything would be all good; he's be purring and you'd be poking his blubber. But, the second he stopped purring, you had about 3 seconds to move before he would bite your face (hard, too) and then run off.
LMAO! I love Smokey already, hahahha.

Yep, the old I'm annoyed with you for petting me too long trick! Although she will usually tolerate you for a little longer before getting pissed. But the biting will start if your foolish enough to keep petting after she's warned you with the ears back and the tail flickering like a rattle snake. Oh no, poking the blubber will get her biting you almost immediately! She loves to lick, if you block your hand while she's trying to lick, she will bite you until you keep still for her. Her other thing is to stand right next to you, with one back paw on your foot. I don't know why she does this.
:lol: fills the whole sink! Now that is way fatter then my Xena! hahhaha! She likes to sleep on my foot from time to time. All that ample belly sure keeps your feet warm in the winter! Until she puts them to sleep that is.

What is it with cats and bathrooms! hahha
I fucking hate people who they're cool because they do drugs and who try to get attention cos they do drugs.
Personally I think drugs are lame altogether, but I don't judge anyone if they do them. Just don't preach to me that you do drugs and have no personality, and it's all good :)
I hate people who use avatars from The IT Crowd... it wasn't THAT funny. It was decent but had an underlining problem that a lot of the jokes were rehashed from Father Ted. Even the personalities of the characters were taken from Father Ted, sans the best personality of all, Father Jack.

Father Ted >x100million The IT crowd

That pisses me off a lot.

The other day I specifically stopped to hold open the door in a hotel for some people behind me and they just gave me a weird look as they walked through. Is it so surprising that the long haired kid in the Bloodbath shirt that says "Suck my guts" on the back could be helpful? :lol:

sadly, it's so fucking true. i was raised with manners and the people who werent piss me off along with the ones who don't appreciate those with manners. and i also always get funky looks when i hold the door open for people... especially when i wear my belphegor shirt with jesus crucified upsidedown on it :lol:
it's funny. i can't wear any metal/horror movie t-shirts at work (not that i really wear t-shirts anymore, except to sleep in), so everyone i work with knows me as this sometimes-timid/sometimes-goofy chick who wears bright colors and Alice in Wonderland t-shirts and then i'll start having a conversation with someone and we'll talk about music or movies and i'll drop names like My Dying Bride or Carcass and their eyes will get wide and they'll say something like "I never imagined you'd listen to stuff like that."

or the times that i've had people in my car and i have some music playing i've gotten reactions like "Jesus Christ, what is THIS??"

it makes me giggle

that was in response to the posts about metal t-shirts, not something that makes me angry. i'm about to go to work, so i'll have a nice big list of that stuff in about 10 hours.