The things that make you angry thread

i hate people who intentionally say things to make people uncomfortable, who go out of their way to push people's boundaries, etc.

there's being a friendly person and then there's just being an obnoxious douchebag.

edit: then again... i was ringing this guy up and he was saying stuff to intentionally make me uncomfortable and pointing out how uncomfortable i seemed and just kept saying stuff, then he left and came back a minute or so later because i'd charged him for something twice and i apologized profusely and he was really, really nice about that, so i guess he just has a kinda ... "twisted" way of trying to communicate and open up to people.

so i love it when people are geniunely nice and understanding.

sorry to stray from the topic of the thread, but encountering nice people in retail is pretty awesome
i hate people who intentionally say things to make people uncomfortable, who go out of their way to push people's boundaries, etc.

there's being a friendly person and then there's just being an obnoxious douchebag.

edit: then again... i was ringing this guy up and he was saying stuff to intentionally make me uncomfortable and pointing out how uncomfortable i seemed and just kept saying stuff, then he left and came back a minute or so later because i'd charged him for something twice and i apologized profusely and he was really, really nice about that, so i guess he just has a kinda ... "twisted" way of trying to communicate and open up to people.

so i love it when people are geniunely nice and understanding.

sorry to stray from the topic of the thread, but encountering nice people in retail is pretty awesome
I was at a bar a couple weeks ago with a girl I know and we were sitting on the very end of the bar where there weren't any other people sitting. However, there was a half full beer next to the seat she was sitting in. A few minutes after we sat down, the owner of that beer came back and sat down. He was a heavy set guy who looked to be in his 40's or so. He just sat down and stayed quiet for a few minutes. After a time he finally turns to us and says "Are you going to be around for a while?" I wasn't planning on staying very long so I said "Well, after I finish this beer, I will probably take off." He replies "Well, if I buy you both a beer will you guys stay here and talk to me while you drink it?" Free beer?! Talk to some fat stranger for a few minutes? Ok. So I tell him it's a deal and he goes into this whole spiel about how he loves to come to the bar and meet new people and listen to their stories. Nothing out of the ordinary there, I enjoy that shit sometimes too, although I've never straight up said to someone "Tell me your stories, person I've never met before."

So, we're all sitting there, him on one side, her in the middle, and me on the other side. I'm fine talking to this guy, it's not bothering me at all, but when he was asking her questions, she was giving him really short answers and not making eye contact, etc... so she wasn't as comfortable with him as I was. Eventually he started pointing out how uncomfortable and awkward she looked. THAT was when I started getting uncomfortable too. She got up to go smoke at that point and since I was in the middle of a conversation with him, I took her seat when she got up and I think that trippe dhim out a bit too.

It was weird, it started off fine but when he started talking about how we looked uncomfortable when we weren't, that made things weird. People shouldn't sya things like that ever. No good comes from saying to someone "you look uncomfortable right now, that wasn't my intention..."
*shrug* i guess he wanted to point it out so that you knew he knew... maybe he thought that would make you ... comfortable? like, show you guys that he knew it was a weird situation so you didn't think "wow, i'm sitting here with a guy who's completely out of touch with reality"

*shrug* that's kinda how i try to be with people if i'm in a sitation like that, i just say something like "wow, this is awkward, but anyway!" or make some goofy and self-deprecating comment
I know... that's what I gathered too. I guess I didn't really finish the story haha.

When he mentioned it, I told him we weren't uncomfortable at all and that he had nothing to worry about, so let's just keep talking. But he kept bringing it up frequently, after we both told him a couple times there was nothing to worry about. It finally came down to us finishing the beers and and then ordering more of our own, and he said "All right, we'll thanks for the good times," put his jacket on and left.
hmm, yeah... the whole "focusing on your hang-ups" thing ... i used to do that a lot and it was like a security thing almost, like "i'm gonna point out the bad shit about myself before they have the chance to judge me, ha-ha, i've got the upper-hand on you" thing

i'd like to think that i've gotten more confident about myself and more comfortable around people.

like... it does take some level of self-assurance to approach two complete strangers and say "hey... i'm interested in hearing about you", i'll give the guy that
I don't like it when foul customers treat me badly, but I HATE it when they treat my older-lady coworker like crap. These two airhead bitches, apparently BFF'S, came in and were oooing and ahhhing over all the clearance jewelry, throwing it on themselves, yapping back and forth about how it looked on them. My coworker Sarah asked them about three times, clearly audible, if they needed any help. They didn't even look up at her! And then one of them was blocking Sarah's way back into the register cube or whatever you want to call it. So she said "excuse me" several times, very nicely, and the bimbo didn't even budge. WTF?!

I called Loss Prevention on them since they were acting so weird and rude, and finally I got one of them to look at me when I asked them if they needed any assistance. She looked up and went "Whaaaat?" as if I had just appeared out of nowhere. I asked again and she said yeah, that she needed to check out. Too bad there was a manager there grading the transaction (which they do randomly) or else I would not have been very nice to them.

It's not like we hound customers. Sarah and I will simply ask a customer if they need any help, and if not, we leave them alone to browse and take their time. But customers that intentionally ignore even a simple "Hello" just tick me off to no end.
ugg, yeah... just something about... a good amount of people between the ages of 15-22 ... like, people have confidence and that's great, but with some people it just seems like it makes them self-absorbed and it's like an excuse for them to be obnoxious and blatantly disrespectful.

granted i am talking about my own age-group like a bitter old person but... i dunno, maybe it's just because i've pretty much lacked any self-confidence for most of my life that i see anyone my age who talks above a whisper and walks with their head held up as being obnoxious and arrogant.

but maybe that's because most of them are.
it does take some level of self-assurance to approach two complete strangers and say "hey... i'm interested in hearing about you", i'll give the guy that
Alcohol definitely helps, but yeah I see what you're saying. The guy just seemed lonely, probably due to insecurity based on (what probably only he considers) his unpleasant appearance, which leads to him feeling he has to re-assure people he doesn't have any ulterior motives.
yeah. just clip his claws or have th vet do it, but i've heard that getting them declawed leads to even more behavioral problems, like them becoming more aggressive, pissing all over the place, etc.
My cat has become such a pain in the ass of late. I have to buy a brand new comforter because of him, he pissed on it more than once, each time i wash it, he pisses in the same damn spot.

I've finally banned him from my room altogether. Going to have to get him declawed if i keep him, he's been destroying all my mouldings beside the doors. Now I have to sand them all down and repaint them.

This cat is costing me more than I ever imagined.

Tyler, answer me those questions and I'll try to help ok?

* how long have you had this cat ?
*how old is it?
* does he poop/pee in the litter box at all ?
* how many scratching posts do you own ?
*describe a routine day in the life of your cat (like: is he sleeping all day? is he active? do you play with him? does he want to go outside etc)
* does he pee (actually your cat is "marking") anywhere else besides the comforter?
*Have you ever heard about "soft claws" ?
*do you cut his nails?
yeah. just clip his claws or have th vet do it, but i've heard that getting them declawed leads to even more behavioral problems, like them becoming more aggressive, pissing all over the place, etc.

uh how about it's complete animal cruelty to declaw your cat?
cats' nails are not like dogs' or humans' nails, they are actually attached to the top knuckle, and in order to get a cat declawed you have to chop the top
knuckle... it's painful and horrible.
Not to mention: scratching is a natural behavior for a cat, it's like getting a dog and putting him under surgery to remove barking and tail wagging...

I'm not talking to you specifivally Tyler sorry if this sounds like an attack... obviously having a problematic cat sucks.. .I can understand your frustration
especially since I can imagine you try everything within your hand....
but answer my questions and I'll try to help ok ? Declawing should be the last option ever considered...
I don't intend to get him declawed, however I do intend to have the tendons cut so that he can't grasp with his claws.