The things that make you angry thread

Hippies are better than down-on-themselves-and-the-entire-world pessimistic, negative thought producing assholes that do nothing but complain about shit all the time and never do anything to make life better for themselves. THOSE people make me angry.

Actually, they make me more sad than angry.

These are the worst
perhaps they're just hinting that you need to wash your hair, not cut it? you filthy stinking hippie, get a haircut!

Actually my hair is pretty god damn glorious.

Hippies are better than down-on-themselves-and-the-entire-world pessimistic, negative thought producing assholes that do nothing but complain about shit all the time and never do anything to make life better for themselves. THOSE people make me angry.

Actually, they make me more sad than angry.


O that's me! You've got me figured out!
Gory crotch explosion, on a day in which I'm scheduled to work completely alone, meaning no one to cover the many bathroom breaks I will need today. This is going to suck :mad:
oh yeah, and my obscenely poor depth-perception mixed with an exhaustion headache from an 8-hour workday on two and a half hours sleep. that made for LOTS of fun trying to back out of a tight parking space in a really crowded lot. ugg. should not be driving.
WALKING BEHIND BLACK PEOPLE ON THE SIDEWALK! They are always incredibly slow, usually take up the whole sidewalk (due to either numbers or morbid obesity), and never get out of the way for other people. This annoyance is exacerbated by the fact that people, such as myself, from New England cities tend to walk quickly. OUTTA MY WAY IM GOIN TO THE COMIC STORE!!!
The fact that Testament are supporting Children of Bodom on their next tour, that's fucking blasphemy.
aww kitties!!

sorry, that's not angry enough for this thread.

Hhaha! yeah, I suck at the angry thread. Although I get angry I really do! Let me put my angry face on....:zombie:

Ok, getting up in the morning, and there being no coffee made! Especially when every one is sitting around waiting for me to make it, and then make them a cup. Grrrrrrrrr! This happens way too much. I guess that's why it makes me so happy when it's done in the reverse.

Feeders! Yes, people who feed. lol! Al's Mom is constantly trying to feed me shit. I say I'm not hungry, but she still pesters me! In the store trying to buy me food. Nothing wrong with that, if it were something I actually ate. She pushes a hungry man meal on me, one of those xxl things. I tell her "I don't eat those" I get the 20 question degree of why not, and whats wrong with it. I tell her because it's too much damn food, and I'm not interested in eating the same thing over the course of two days just to get rid of it. So I'm picking out shit under deress just to get her off my back. :lol: Funny I thought I picked out enough stuff before she started in on me. GAH! All of this is more then I can take when we were in the store that causes me the most :zombie: