The things that make you angry thread

I hate stupid ex boyfriends who I try to reconcile with, because he wanted to. I drive to where we were meeting. He stands me up, I call him, he tells me his car broke down but that he's on his way. I think I hear the voice of the fucking cunt he cheated on me with in the background.

I wait a few more minutes, I leave. I drive the ten minutes to his house. There his fucking car is parked right in front of his house, her car right behind it.

That's where I should have stopped. I should have stopped caring, turned around and drove home, saved myself some embarrassment, and maintained my dignity, but instead:

I ring the bell. She answers, she starts laughing AT ME. I go to leave. She opens the door and starts shouting at me, telling me how funny it is to hear my voice on the other end of the phone she's cracking up like the stupid coked up little bitch that she is.

So like a complete idiot I walk back to the door, I tell her to stay out of my business with him.

Maybe I was shaking my finger in her face, and she reached out to bitch slap me, so I punched her in the face.


She came after me, and I punched her again, and then again for good measure. He came running out after me, grabbed me by the shirt. I flung myself away from him and kicked his mailbox before getting back into my car, where I drove to a gas station and cried for about 40 minutes.

I feel like a complete asshole for punching a girl in the face, even though she hit me first, she only slapped me.

So men who are assholes, stupid cunts, and ridiculous situations made me angry :(

P.S. I'm sure his neighbors (and my ex-neighbors) got quite a show.

I've never really hit someone, ever. And it was very strange and obviously solved nothing but my temporary desire to harm or kill her.
It solved a lot, Jennifer. That bitch had it coming, and you delivered it to her.

Sure, ladies should conduct themselves as ladies. But in situations like that, you need to be a strong woman and put that cunt in her place.
I hate stupid ex boyfriends who I try to reconcile with, because he wanted to. I drive to where we were meeting. He stands me up, I call him, he tells me his car broke down but that he's on his way. I think I hear the voice of the fucking cunt he cheated on me with in the background.

I wait a few more minutes, I leave. I drive the ten minutes to his house. There his fucking car is parked right in front of his house, her car right behind it.

That's where I should have stopped. I should have stopped caring, turned around and drove home, saved myself some embarrassment, and maintained my dignity, but instead:

I ring the bell. She answers, she starts laughing AT ME. I go to leave. She opens the door and starts shouting at me, telling me how funny it is to hear my voice on the other end of the phone she's cracking up like the stupid coked up little bitch that she is.

So like a complete idiot I walk back to the door, I tell her to stay out of my business with him.

Maybe I was shaking my finger in her face, and she reached out to bitch slap me, so I punched her in the face.


She came after me, and I punched her again, and then again for good measure. He came running out after me, grabbed me by the shirt. I flung myself away from him and kicked his mailbox before getting back into my car, where I drove to a gas station and cried for about 40 minutes.

I feel like a complete asshole for punching a girl in the face, even though she hit me first, she only slapped me.

So men who are assholes, stupid cunts, and ridiculous situations made me angry :(

P.S. I'm sure his neighbors (and my ex-neighbors) got quite a show.

I've never really hit someone, ever. And it was very strange and obviously solved nothing but my temporary desire to harm or kill her.

Sounds like she got what was coming to her if you ask me.

Hell I'd have took a shit in his car air conditioning system.
Jen, because of the recent events of today, if you have anything of his, burn it! Also, she put her hands on you, she deserved to get the shit beat out of her. I'm not a fighter myself, but when I read what they did to you today I wanted to choke them both.

I wouldn't talk to him anymore after this, it's not good for you. Burn everything that is his, his photo's everything. I really hope you find some closure with this soon :(
I hate stupid ex boyfriends who I try to reconcile with, because he wanted to. I drive to where we were meeting. He stands me up, I call him, he tells me his car broke down but that he's on his way. I think I hear the voice of the fucking cunt he cheated on me with in the background.

I wait a few more minutes, I leave. I drive the ten minutes to his house. There his fucking car is parked right in front of his house, her car right behind it.

That's where I should have stopped. I should have stopped caring, turned around and drove home, saved myself some embarrassment, and maintained my dignity, but instead:

I ring the bell. She answers, she starts laughing AT ME. I go to leave. She opens the door and starts shouting at me, telling me how funny it is to hear my voice on the other end of the phone she's cracking up like the stupid coked up little bitch that she is.

So like a complete idiot I walk back to the door, I tell her to stay out of my business with him.

Maybe I was shaking my finger in her face, and she reached out to bitch slap me, so I punched her in the face.


She came after me, and I punched her again, and then again for good measure. He came running out after me, grabbed me by the shirt. I flung myself away from him and kicked his mailbox before getting back into my car, where I drove to a gas station and cried for about 40 minutes.

I feel like a complete asshole for punching a girl in the face, even though she hit me first, she only slapped me.

So men who are assholes, stupid cunts, and ridiculous situations made me angry :(

P.S. I'm sure his neighbors (and my ex-neighbors) got quite a show.

I've never really hit someone, ever. And it was very strange and obviously solved nothing but my temporary desire to harm or kill her.

Well, hey we all get a little nuts sometimes. I think you were totally justified, but in fact the only thing you have to worry about is sometimes those faggots call the cops and charge you. Like, usually the people who talk the biggest shit are the ones who deserve a good shot in the head but as soon as they get one they stop being the tough guys they were 5 minutes ago and immediately call the cops on you.

Never happened to me (because I will bitchslap a motherfucker first, and tell them the next one is a fist if they don't shut the fuck up; generally they get the point from a hard slap but they're not as hurt as they would be from a punch so they let it go as no harm no foul...) but my sister punched some girl in the face who was basically calling her on and was in her face and the little slut called the cops and charged her. So in a way you were lucky, turned out to be a better night after all.

I hope you feel better though, don't let some stupid fucking piece of shit get you down. What he did is pretty low, calling you and setting you up like that, so yeah, don't fucking sweat it. Any piece of shit who would do that to another human being doesn't deserve your tears.

And hey, feel good that you hit her, a lot of people don't even have the guts to do that and that really fucks with their head. I mean it didn't solve anything for you per se but it does make you feel better at least in some small measure.

P.S. He's done now, no matter what sweet talking he tries on you, cut him out of your life for good.
Personally, threatening to get police involved deserves a BIGGER beating. At least then the charges are justified.
Personally, threatening to get police involved deserves a BIGGER beating. At least then the charges are justified.

Yeah, that's the thing though... the people who are so fucking tough and shooting there mouth to you are the FIRST ones to immediately call the police. They can't take a punch, and probably have never been hit before which is why they run their goddamn mouth in the first place but when it does finally happened they totally lose their balls and use the police to punish you because they're too scared and weak to just get physical revenge.
Gosh Jen..... that is horrible... what an idiot that girl sounds like not to mention your beloved Ex....
Get away from him and her... you're so much better than both of them. That girl sounds like she
has no class or dignity whats so ever, and your ex, with all do respect sounds like a complete loser to me...
He gave up on you, which only proves what a loser he is.
It's ok to cry and to feel awful for a few days or weeks, it's not easy... but get over that moron
because he is not worth your time and energy. If he was near me I'd punch him and her too....

Thanks everyone. I definitely need to cut him out of my life. And Morganna, I actually did burn a bunch of letters he'd sent me, notes he'd left me in the morning before work, it felt good. I've been crying like an idiot because I still love him, despite... hating him, dually. Haha.

He called me before all whining and I told him to the cut the shit, and never speak to me again.

So hopefully he takes me up. Blocked him on all internet fronts, etc.

Oh man. I still feel like a douche for kicking the shit out of her. But... oh how it felt devilishly good. I think that's why I feel bad. I'm usually so nonviolent, and to admit that I was actually rather contented to punch her makes me feel so... bad haha.
Thanks everyone. I definitely need to cut him out of my life. And Morganna, I actually did burn a bunch of letters he'd sent me, notes he'd left me in the morning before work, it felt good. I've been crying like an idiot because I still love him, despite... hating him, dually. Haha.

He called me before all whining and I told him to the cut the shit, and never speak to me again.

So hopefully he takes me up. Blocked him on all internet fronts, etc.

Oh man. I still feel like a douche for kicking the shit out of her. But... oh how it felt devilishly good. I think that's why I feel bad. I'm usually so nonviolent, and to admit that I was actually rather contented to punch her makes me feel so... bad haha.

:lol: Well, like I said, you had a good ending in one regard, you got to knock the dumb bitch around without any consequences. So yeah, it will take a while to get over him but you will be better off once you do. Try to just keep your mind occupied, it helps. He's not worth the tears, or your time sitting around thinking about him/what happened.

You'll eventually find someone who is better and will treat you right, so hang in there. Anyone who treats you like that obviously doesn't care about you at all.
Thanks everyone. I definitely need to cut him out of my life. And Morganna, I actually did burn a bunch of letters he'd sent me, notes he'd left me in the morning before work, it felt good. I've been crying like an idiot because I still love him, despite... hating him, dually. Haha.

He called me before all whining and I told him to the cut the shit, and never speak to me again.

So hopefully he takes me up. Blocked him on all internet fronts, etc.

Oh man. I still feel like a douche for kicking the shit out of her. But... oh how it felt devilishly good. I think that's why I feel bad. I'm usually so nonviolent, and to admit that I was actually rather contented to punch her makes me feel so... bad haha.

In time you will forget about him and look back glad you hit her in the face :) And don't say that your an idiot for crying. Crying can be a good thing sometimes. Heck I do allot of it myself! HUGS Jen!