The things that make you angry thread

People that sit in a long toll booth line and wait until the collector tells them the amount before they start digging for the money.

People who are afraid to pass cops when the cop isn't even doing the limit. To that, add people who are afraid to pass oversize loads and semi's so they wade just off the bumper, backing everything up.

Deth fans on the east coast are getting together in Philly for a "Droogie Meet Fest" deal and one of the guys wants to bring his kid (7 years old or something). I say, 1. it's awkward and 2. a buzzkill whether we're drinking or not. I think it's a ridiculous idea as we'd all be walking on eggshells to act appropriately and not talk like sailors. Now the dude has started a guilt-trip aimed at me and is acting like a moron with me in the middle of a crap-storm. Plus the idiot thinks I'm a hussy and messing up one of the other droog's relationship (wtf) not too mention thinks I'm a raging alcoholic. I figured if I'm the only one then I'll suck it up and act like a lady, but there are a few others that are of the same opinion that a kid coming this kind of gathering isn't the best example of parenting.

So all the better if he doesn't go, but if he does, I'm thinking of playing the part and starting an orgy. :Smug:


For a second I thought I read someone else's post, but then I realized it's froma girl who says "fudge" and shananigans or how ever you spell it :lol:

on a more serious note: yeah I hate it when my friends sometimes bring their kids along with them... meh.
Funny this comes up. We just installed about half a million dollars worth of new equipment and one of the lead contractors now has dried puddles of spit all over the equipment. Why he had to spit on it instead of the floor, I don't know. Nasty motherfucker...

Deth fans on the east coast are getting together in Philly for a "Droogie Meet Fest" deal and one of the guys wants to bring his kid (7 years old or something). I say, 1. it's awkward and 2. a buzzkill whether we're drinking or not. I think it's a ridiculous idea as we'd all be walking on eggshells to act appropriately and not talk like sailors. Now the dude has started a guilt-trip aimed at me and is acting like a moron with me in the middle of a crap-storm. Plus the idiot thinks I'm a hussy and messing up one of the other droog's relationship (wtf) not too mention thinks I'm a raging alcoholic. I figured if I'm the only one then I'll suck it up and act like a lady, but there are a few others that are of the same opinion that a kid coming this kind of gathering isn't the best example of parenting.

So all the better if he doesn't go, but if he does, I'm thinking of playing the part and starting an orgy. :Smug:


I feel for you Emily. One time a douche brought a baby to a bachelorette party without asking anyone if it was ok. :erk: The baby cried the whole time and ruined the night for everyone. Her husband dropped her off and was not expected to be back for awhile, so we could not make her leave! He was also late as shit picking her up. Amy was crying because her party was ruined, it was a disaster!
Fucking stupid fucking retarded neighbors that can't keep their goddamned stupid fucking dogs in the house or in a fenced area. I was having a run through my fucking neighborhood like I usually do and some stupid yuppy fucking old bitch's stupid fucking dog tried to bite me, twice. Lucky for the piece of shit that it got scared of my voice yelling at the shitbag because I was ready to cresent kick that fucktwat in the piss ass head.

Fucking thing ruined my fucking run.