The things that make you angry thread

Getting in a group on WoW and half way into a dungeon you realize that they don't know what they are doing and just charge into a mob and aggro everything in the cave, then repeativly spam the chat box with


over and over and over again. then they get a rez and do the same thing again like a bunch of fucking leroy jenkin wannabe's.

then i will take there sorry ass's DEEP into the cave in the middle of all the monsters and teleport myself out of there back to the city and leave them to DIE.

When i leave the group and then they whisper me with

"why did u leave"

then i say

"well ok let me start off by asking, have you ever played a MMORPG in your life?"

then they say

"what is mmorpg i duno the mmo part"

then i say

"Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game"

Then they say

"I played runescape"

then i tell them

"ok and also what part of don't charge into a mob and let the hunter pull one with a bow, then attack DON'T you understand?"

then they say

"Come bak we need u real quik wont do it again sorry"

then i say

"No because you did it twice i specifically asked you to wait till someone pulls but you don't listen, you need to look up the definition team-work and study the living fuck out of it before you decide to join a group for ANYTHING. When you are done with that then come back and ask me again, and when you do I'll say NO cause you will probably do it again and again cause you don't listen to a word anyone says.

then they say

"sad face"

then i say

"and also what don't you get about setting the looting to "party sharing"...oh fuck it nevermind"

then i put them all on ignore for the rest of my sorry ass life
Boooo that sucks. Can't you use it as credit and not use the PIN. Whenever I have pizza delivered, they never ask for my pin.
No, I meant in the form of "Going to go to the place to eat it."

I'm gonna be a jackass, make them bring it to me, and write a check instead. ;)
A horrible horrible vegetarian alternative made with soy protein and wheat gluten, made to "resemble" a burger patty.

They made my stomach wretch.
i like veggie burgers...AND i like meat. i like the original all vegan boca burgers, and i really like morningstar's "better n burgers" but i can't find those anymore :(

morningstar's veggie bacon is also really good. tastes more like bacon than some bacon does :p