The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Nah DoK isn't essential, but they are quite nice...

I'm listening to Ye Olde Magics on my d/led copy of yore (5 minutes ago) right fucking good. Decadent, thank you again for bringing this back to my attention (someone mentioned it a while ago...probably you :p).
Dunno, it doesn't grab me like the rest. Likewise, The Sign of Evil Existence. I am probably just fucked up.

Maybe I'll give Crimson Moon another chance. The intro is a bit overlong :/
I feel like uploading some Grunt (Mikko of Deathspell, Clandestine Blaze, etc. fame) some time so people can hear it. Once a few people say they are interested in hearing it, I will upload some on YouSendIt...very excellent dark electronics.
Gallantry over Docility said:
I'm talking about Under the Serpentine Spell btw.

I tired, but could never get into this.

I'm currently enjoying Incubator's McGillroy The Housefly. Edit: First and second songs are quite good, the rest of the album enforces an awful singing style and ruins what could've been a decent technical death metal album. Perhaps their debut is better.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I feel like uploading some Grunt (Mikko of Deathspell, Clandestine Blaze, etc. fame) some time so people can hear it. Once a few people say they are interested in hearing it, I will upload some on YouSendIt...very excellent dark electronics.

Please do.
It's just fucking noise. It's not that I don't get it, it's just noise without musical value. I'd rather listen to pop, really.
But what is there to get into? Personally I'm not that much into ambient black metal, Transilvanian Hunger doesn't do it for me. But I guess it can get some people in some sort of trance or something and I appreciate it. But this noise is just fucking noise. Why not listen to your blender, there's no difference
There is plenty of a're just not into it enough to tell it. There is a wealth of noise and I will tell you as a firsthand "experiencer" of the scene that everyone in the scene, fans, labels, and artists alike can tell the difference because they are actually into it and have listened to it deeper than just one listen after which they wrote it off as "just noise".

Perhaps you should read this:
Sorry there is no melody in this thing, it's too random, it's not pleasant to the ear nor does it have any sort of song structure or any kind of lasting value. It even lacks atmosphere. There are no 'good' and 'bad' noise musicians because all 'noise' sounds the same. It's even worse than modern painting.
I listen to other music for structure and melody. I listen to noise and sound collage as well as power electronics when I am tired of "music".