The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Teh Grimarse said:
they're definately not GNR if thats what you're expecting

they remind me more of.... old guys. who arent really trying.

they dont try,
because they are pretty much up-themselves because some of them were in GnR lol!
Lately I have being really enjoying Gorgoroth's "Pentagram" album.

Why I never appreciated this classic before baffles me.
I had that problem too, but I think that's because there was only one post on that page and the user deleted the message, so there was nothing to load but the page number stayed.
The Subjugator said:
Lately I have being really enjoying Gorgoroth's "Pentagram" album.

Why I never appreciated this classic before baffles me.
A classic it surely is but try destroyer 'tis much better
Been listening to:

Dismember - The God That Never Was (SO GODDAMN GOOD)
Navicon Torture Technologies - Dripping With The Power Of Her Flesh
Gruntsplatter - Chronicling The Famine (recommended to all so-called "ambient" fans...FUCK OFF AND DIE!)
Wyrd - The Ghost Album (a change for Wyrd, more rock-based but with harsh vocals and interesting Amorphis-esque lead guitar)
Manilla Road - Mystification
Ozric Tentacles - Erpland (just fantastic...trance/world/prog/space rock)
Caducity - The Weiliaon Wielder Quest and Whirler Of Fate (plodding Belgian old-school atmo-death with fruity themes!)
Abhorer - Zygotical Sabbatory Anabapt (weird, raw old-school death/black/thrash-y)
Weeping Birth - A Painting Of Raven And Rape (technical brutal black/death metal by the dude in Mirrorthrone, good shit)
Benighted - Identisick (2006 death metal from France with multiple influences...I hear some people are calling 'em post-death, which is retarded, but still...check 'em)
Carnivore Diprosopus - Madhouse's Macabre Acts (slammin' brutal death that shouldn't appeal to over half of the regulars here!)

Lots fuckin' more but yeah, pretty much...

Just Wondering, what do you poeple think of Rage Against The Machine? Personally, I think they're fucking awesome. I don't like Audioslave though.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Been listening to:

Gruntsplatter - Chronicling The Famine (recommended to all so-called "ambient" fans...FUCK OFF AND DIE!)

Lots fuckin' more but yeah, pretty much...


hooray for Scott Candey! (and for V5 remembering his password)