The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Hamock said:
how can anyone not laugh at the solos on this album

I thought they were pretty retarded at first, but they're actually damn awesome. The best part is that they aren't just dumbly shreddy for no reason. The instrumental track sounds like heavier old In Flames. MUCH heavier. Such a great album.

unknown said:
hooray for Scott Candey! (and for V5 remembering his password)

1. If you like Gruntsplatter, check out Circadian and Blunt Force Trauma. They're both Candey side projects with other people...Blunt Force Trauma is pretty fucking crazy actually...totally disturbing. It's his project with Jon Canady of Deathpile.

2. I finally just contacted Deron and asked him to reset it.

The Subjugator said:
is anyone here into acid mother's temple?

Yeah...I have a couple things by them, both are great, but Electric Heavyland has to be their most accessible and enjoyable full-length work...highly recommended to anyone who wants to be crushed under the weight of psychedelia.
Just bought these so I'm spinning 'em all day...

Acid Mothers Temple & The Cosmic Inferno - Iao Chant From The Cosmic Inferno
Deeds Of Flesh - Path Of The Weakening
Bal-Sagoth - Atlantis Ascendant
Gory Blister - Skymorphosis
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Just bought these so I'm spinning 'em all day...

Acid Mothers Temple & The Cosmic Inferno - Iao Chant From The Cosmic Inferno
Deeds Of Flesh - Path Of The Weakening
Bal-Sagoth - Atlantis Ascendant
Gory Blister - Skymorphosis
fucking creepy.. I was just looking at an old thread you posted in and I thought"he doesn't come anymore does he?" and here you are:yell:
BurningWitch said:
Just Wondering, what do you poeple think of Rage Against The Machine? Personally, I think they're fucking awesome. I don't like Audioslave though.

They have some good stuff, I recently bought their debut. so recently, in fact, that i haven't listened to it yet.

If you like deep, droning dark ambient or anything Candey's done at all, you'll like it.

Strangely, the track titles aren't "gory"...

Schreklichkeit - 6:14
Saeva Indignatia - 4:32
Germinal Crawler - 3:36
Rindpest - 5:00
Shades Below - 6:29
Call Of The Unrighteous - 8:35
Voltage Stimulator - 6:32
Expunge And Humiliate - 6:26
Parade Of Cripples - 4:50
Of Dominion And Whim - 5:19

It is good shit, however...
Currently listening to Paradigma's Skadi, Decieverion's Despondent and Decieverion, Sunchariot's Harvest, and GBK's Kosherat. All very enjoyable. There's also a few others that I have yet to get around to listening to, but I'll make my way around to them.
RRRecords nearby has a Decieverion vinyl...I should pick it up next time I'm over there!

Harvest is fucking brilliant! Such a refreshing, great CD. Recommended doubly to all fans of folk/black metal and Russian metal in general. Pure organic bliss.

As you can see by my sig, I'm really into Gory Blister right now...Their new CD, Skymorphosis, is excellent prog/tech-death metal...I upped the lyrics for it on Metal-Archives (which is being a bitch lately and not letting me submit all the lyrics I have to, by the way)...I have also written a rather short review for it on (which is a great site for anyone who has neglected to check it out):

It's a great CD...forget their retarded name! Get it now if you are a fan of mid-era Death, Blastfame, Neuraxis, Stargazer (pushing it I guess), etc.

Today I've been listening to:

Morte Incandescente - ...Your Funeral
Kaamos - Lucifer Rising
David Gilmour - On An Island
Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion
V5, I checked out the Blunt Force Trauma cd. Jesus christ. From the first track until the end it's just pound you in the ass crust noise power fucktronics. crazy stuff. very different from some of candey's works.

Been listening to Fjoergyn's Ernte Im Herbst and the new Tenhi, Maaaet (which, as would be expected) is fucking awesome.
unknown said:
V5, I checked out the Blunt Force Trauma cd. Jesus christ. From the first track until the end it's just pound you in the ass crust noise power fucktronics. crazy stuff. very different from some of candey's works.

That'd be Canady's influence. I don't really like Deathpile, to be honest. His new project (that is on M-A for some reason), Angel Of Decay is pretty good dark-ish ambient, though, and for sure worth a look...

I couldn't get into Ernte Im Herbst...something about it was weird and didn't click, but it was alright I guess...a lot of people claimed it to be amazing and genre-(re)defining or something. I think the hype around it was like Alcest in that they have like 7 tracks released but they get a shitload of attention. Weird, but OK.

Now Maaäet is's almost jazzy too! Very surprising, I never really listened to Tenhi before. Great shit!
The Fjoergyn cd isn't bad. the intros are rather long and I find myself fast forwarding to find the actual song.

I'm surprised you haven't checked out Tenhi before. But yeah, Maaaet is fucking excellent. Their previous cd, Vare is excellent as well. There's a side project, Harmaa, that's more stripped down (piano, bass and drums predominantly) and I enjoy a bit more.
I went back and listened to Vare afterwards! I have to say the new CD is slightly better, but both are great.

Just re-downloaded Retch - Reinsertion Of Aborted Remnants...great little brutal death/goregrind and catchy, super low sewage vox/screechy, hilarious drum programming, what else could you want? I am also listening right now to Old Wainds - Scalding Coldness. This TOTALLY fuckin' kicks ass right now! Recommended as hell.

Also, wow I didn't post this yet, and it's sort of off topic (actually I think I'll make a thread for it!):

A list of CDs to come out this year...the key there explains everything (it lists leaks too)'s updatable by sending my en e-mail at the address listed.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I couldn't get into Ernte Im Herbst...something about it was weird and didn't click, but it was alright I guess...a lot of people claimed it to be amazing and genre-(re)defining or something. I think the hype around it was like Alcest in that they have like 7 tracks released but they get a shitload of attention. Weird, but OK.

I agree with this. I couldn't get into it. Sounded like they (he?) was trying to do too much but wasn't really sure how to do it. Some great sections, but just not a very cohesive piece.
I was just listening to BLACK FUNERAL-"Druj Nasu" damn that sounded cool as Hell!! i really like some of the black metal type music that sounds like it's coming from far away when it's right here..that cool atmospheric sound.