The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Teh Grimarse said:
and also i like the song "Neo Pleistocene" by nsbm band Pantheon

and i also like the song "Irradiant" by french band Scarve

anyone agree hmmmmm?

Panteon is hillarious, haha...funny how I found out about 'em, the drummer, Dave, lived in the apartment next to me, and gave me their cd...

Scarve = awesomeness...
I dunno, i found it funny in a way, the keyboard sounds sound like they used a $15 casio keyboard, and the drums have this congo kinda sound to them, like theyre tuned way high...I dunno, not FUNNY like Tenacious D funny, but funny like its not SUPPOSED to be funny, but it is to me, i dunno...make sense?? have some good music tho, I have VARGSTRIKE, and it's not bad...