The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Today arrived Reverend Bizarre - "Harbinger of Metal", along with Sodom - "Get What You Deserve" and "'Til Death Do Us Unite". I'm really psyched on this Reverend Bizarre, it's something totally new for me. I dont' own anything else like it. I can't wait for the rest to come. I'm also looking forward to the Sodom, though I expect it to be more of the same (in a good way).
Listen to Master's Hammer you faggots. Ritual is one of the greatest pieces of Black Metal ever composed.
Dodens Grav said:
Listen to Master's Hammer you faggots. Ritual is one of the greatest pieces of Black Metal ever composed.

Every single time I try to listen to Black Metal I end up giving up. But I try and try again. Maybe this time it'll work. I'll listen to that sometime soon.

I hate the people who only listen to a genre once and then hate it, but i'm pretty sure I've heard every "classic"/great album from most "best of" black metal albums list and I haven't enjoyed one yet. Sorry =\

On a related note, I'm enjoying Katatonia. Especially Brave Murder Day. Because thats the majority of what I've heard(+ saw you drown which i'm listening to right now)
Every single time I try to listen to Black Metal I end up giving up. But I try and try again. Maybe this time it'll work. I'll listen to that sometime soon.
I don't know which albums you have listened to, but some of the "kvlt classics" are a bit difficult to get into. You might want to try off with a bit of BM light rather than just diving head in. Here's some albums (that may or may not be pure BM) I found to be pretty accessible:

Sacramentum: Far Away From The Sun
Limbonic Art: Moon In The Scorpio
Mystic Forest: Waltz In The Midst Of Trees or Romances
Summoning: Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
Vesperian Sorrow: Psychotic Sculpture
Windir: Arntor
Enslaved: Isa
Emperor: Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
Aeternus: ...And So The Night Became

Although, the first BM album I listened to (and enjoyed) was Weakling's Dead As Dreams. I'd say that if you don't find anything you like on that list, then maybe just keep listening to other stuff and try out BM again after your tastes have expanded a little. Personally, I always myself discarding albums after only 1 or 2 listens only to get the urge to check them out again later and find i really liked them.

Anyway, I just discovered Apotheosis (Mlt) and the album "Farthest From The Sun" was absolutely enchanting. Has anyone else heard of this guy?
Okay, so I'm REALLY grooving on the new Grand Belial's Key. I never got into them with earlier releases, but this CD is amazingly diverse, and really encapsulates so many of the finer aspects of extreme metal. The production is a bit of a throw-off too, considering how fucking cold some of those riffs are. It suits a lot of the heavier stuff though, down to a fucking T.
Décadent said:
Okay, so I'm REALLY grooving on the new Grand Belial's Key. I never got into them with earlier releases, but this CD is amazingly diverse, and really encapsulates so many of the finer aspects of extreme metal. The production is a bit of a throw-off too, considering how fucking cold some of those riffs are. It suits a lot of the heavier stuff though, down to a fucking T.

:mad: A Witness To The Regicide Plz
I actually still have yet to hear, but though I quite like all of their work, I like each new one less and less than the last, and I don't imagine that will change with this new one.
Anybody hear the new Yakuza, Samsara? I had never heard them, but on first listen, it's pretty terrible...mainly in the vocal department.

*listening to Blind Illusion's The Sane Asylum instead*
I'm currently downloading that album as we speak (Samsara). What's terrible about the vocals? I've never heard Yakuza before so I'm not expecting it to sound like anything.