The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Laethora anyone? Niklas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity's death metal side project, I like it a lot :)
Incarnate said:
I wish I could go to Cryptopsy on the 11th, but im 4 months too young to get in.

Oh man that sucks
I might head down, thats on the same day/night as my 18th, be a fucken cool present

On another note, just picked up 'one kill wonder' by he Haunted - holy crap thats a good album :kickass:
Zack said:
Listen to sleepytime gorilla museum

I'm pretty certain V5's heard of SGM too. They're one of my current favorite bands. I had the extreme pleasure of seeing Nyl's sideproject, Faun Fables, live about a month was quite possibly the most amazing live show I've ever been to.
I still haven't acquired a taste for it yet, as with many other expiremental stuff :(
Randy Rampage (vocalist on Alice In Hell by Annihilator) sucks ass. I don't imagine his new band Stress Factor 9 is any good either...

Don't get me wrong though, Annihilator is music I do love, but Randy's vocals sucked ape balls!
Anyone a Necrophagist or Arsis fan?

I just got Onset of Putrefaction the other day, and I must say I like it a lot, but not as much as Epitaph. This is namely due to the very programmed sounding drums, despite how technical the arrangements are.

And Arsis just slays, both the full length and the E.P. (Although Diamond For A Disease is a strangley odd length, being 12 minutes, considering their previous knack for writing songs rarely exceeding five minutes)
I like Necrophagist's first album a lot, but Arsis are massively overrated, imo.

Also, Sleepytime are OK. A bit too leftfield at times.

But thanks for thinking about me!

Thorns On My Grave said:
Anyone a Necrophagist or Arsis fan?

I just got Onset of Putrefaction the other day, and I must say I like it a lot, but not as much as Epitaph. This is namely due to the very programmed sounding drums, despite how technical the arrangements are.

Whenever i here that album, I'm amazed Suicmez managed to do it all himself, really good stuff imo.
So, I've listened to Forest Stream's Tears of Mortal Solitude quite abit yesterday and today. Amazing release.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I like Necrophagist's first album a lot, but Arsis are massively overrated, imo.

Also, Sleepytime are OK. A bit too leftfield at times.

But thanks for thinking about me!


V5, you should check out the singer's side project, Faun Fables. They're a folk group of sorts. Really good stuff.