The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

byrne said:
fuck im dead i saw live at last years mftb and yeh, i thought they were pretty boring. never heard of enforce though.

Enforce are a Perth death metal band, been around for a while, thought they did a good job supporting Behemoth earlier in the year.
No it's the name of the title character from a series of books by John Mortimer, very funny books about a British barrister with a penchant for quoting poetry and drinking too mcuh claret. It was also made into a television series some years ago.
I haven't heard DTB yet. Who's in it (if anyone says DT I will kill them)? Is it the same style as SYL?
Zack said:
I haven't heard DTB yet. Who's in it (if anyone says DT I will kill them)? Is it the same style as SYL?
Current Line-up:
Devin Townsend - Guitar/Vocals/Programming (Strapping Young Lad, IR8, Ocean Machine)
Brian Waddell - Guitar
Ryan Van Poederooyen - Drums (Lalu, Non-Human Level, ex-God Awakens Petrified)
Mike Young - Bass
Dave Young - Keyboards

It's similar to SYL, but much more melodic.
It's similar to SYL in the sense that, you can still tell Devin Townsend is an awesomely deranged songwriter. It's less death metal, more epic, more cohesive. I prefer DTB over SYL

on an unrelated note, I've been listening to Estradasphere lately. Ehh. They're good, but they seem too blatantly "out there" most of the time. It's like they're writing these crazy songs just to be crazy. They're paralleled to Secret Chiefs 3 a lot, but I think SC3 are the more superior band.
Yeah I think they share(d) members too...maybe that's the connection

but you're right. only a few songs are AMAZING

*sticks with Secret Chiefs 3*