The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

fans of isis, cult of luna, pelican, neurosis, etc should check out callisto; i havn't heard 'noir' yet, but 'true nature unfolds' was excellent

edited because i wrote 'ordeal of the century' which was their ep... wrong release. go for true nature unfolds or noir (but if you go for noir, you better reply and tell me how it is)
J Mann said:
I have come to conclusion that Phlebotomized's Skycontact album is completely a good way.

It's quite good...the production is retarded; like garage-y and the drum production is hilarious. And yeah it's kind of fucked up lyrically and conceptually (the song "I Lost My Cookies In The Disco" has nothing to do with the original song called that...lolol) but the four part song "I Hope You Know" is amazing.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
It's quite good...the production is retarded; like garage-y and the drum production is hilarious. And yeah it's kind of fucked up lyrically and conceptually (the song "I Lost My Cookies In The Disco" has nothing to do with the original song called that...lolol) but the four part song "I Hope You Know" is amazing.

Carcassian said:
I've just received Solstice - Halcyon through the post today. I wish to state freely, right here, right now, that Solstice are now in the #3 position of bands I wish would reform and record.

They arent broken up, just on hiatus. Expect a new one next year sometime.
Banned said:
fans of isis, cult of luna, pelican, neurosis, etc should check out callisto; i havn't heard 'noir' yet, but 'true nature unfolds' was excellent

edited because i wrote 'ordeal of the century' which was their ep... wrong release. go for true nature unfolds or noir (but if you go for noir, you better reply and tell me how it is)

I checked out Noir, and it's really fucking good! The first song has this nice jazzy bit with a sax. I'm still workin my way through the cd, but's great stuff


"Our journey is not over yet, and for us, there will never be any light at the end of the tunnel. For arcane and eldritch forces move against us even as we sleep. In our dreams, we gaze upon the terrifying vista of mankind teetering on the precipice between enlightenment and destruction, and in the hours of wakefulness we dare not utter his name, lest he awakes from his ancient slumber. Woe upon us all..... beneath the waves, where we were born countless ages past, lies our doom."
Doomcifer said:
