The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Carcassian said:
To all you American fellows, may I rec. Withered - Memento Mori - which a fantastic album by your countrymen, melding early 90's Swede-death action with great atmospherics.

I reviewed it when it first came out, but after playing it again, it only gets better with age.
Yeah, I listened to these guys a bit on Myspace and was actually surprised at how good they were. I was planning to see them next week with Dismember, but I'm not going to that show anymore.
Impudent said:
Yeah, I listened to these guys a bit on Myspace and was actually surprised at how good they were. I was planning to see them next week with Dismember, but I'm not going to that show anymore.

Aha! Someone else who has heard them! Yeah, good aren't they ? Kind of like Swede death and early Brit doom/death atmosspherics rolled together...not what you'd expect from someone off Lifeforce records, to be honest...
I really enjoy blasting Celtic Frost's "To Mega Therion" out my car window. It's thrashiness really goes well with the night wooshing by my speeding car. Would I enjoy a similar experience with "Morbid Tales"? "Monotheist"?
Carcassian said:
Aha! Someone else who has heard them! Yeah, good aren't they ? Kind of like Swede death and early Brit doom/death atmosspherics rolled together...not what you'd expect from someone off Lifeforce records, to be honest...

With a bit of a crusty/grind edge too (which I guess figures since half of them are also in Social Infestation). I saw these guys on tour last year and they definitely stood out as something fresh.
Zephyrus said:
Would I enjoy a similar experience with"...Monotheist"?

Oh, hell yeah. Even more so than TMT. Can't say much about MT because I've never heard it, but Monotheist is a wonderful album.

On a different note, I'm doing a critique for my media class on Blind Guardian's "Nightfall In Middle-Earth". That was a great album. It's not really my favorite, but the concept was very ambitious and it did a great job of music-ifying The Silmarillion. Production was kind of iffy, but most BG albums suffer from that. :rolleyes:
Zephyrus said:
I really enjoy blasting Celtic Frost's "To Mega Therion" out my car window. It's thrashiness really goes well with the night wooshing by my speeding car. Would I enjoy a similar experience with "Morbid Tales"? "Monotheist"?
"Morbid Tales" most likely. It is pretty similar to "To Mega Therion".
I prefer to mega therion, although I think the actual sound of Tales is superior
So, I listened to Quo Vadis' Forever... And the opening track is FANTASTIC!

Everyone has to hear this... I wouldn't mind uploading it, if anyone wants it.

Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion are pretty equal in terms of quality and style. I have heard a few songs from monotheist which were awful. I thought the whole point of a reunion is too sound somewhat like what your band is known for.
The Greys said:
Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion are pretty equal in terms of quality and style. I have heard a few songs from monotheist which were awful. I thought the whole point of a reunion is too sound somewhat like what your band is known for.

Monotheist is pretty good, you can't expect them to be the same after so long off, and so many years of changing.
You're 100% correct. I am usually open minded with bands changing and evolving but the songs I heard did not sound quality to me. I think it was more of the quality than the actual style being different when thinking about it. Maybe i'm just not into the entire industrial/nu-metal thing that the band is doing.
Haha "nu-metal." Monotheist contains an atmosphere of dread and has a monolithic, dirge-like, heavy tone most of the time which nu-metal never touches upon. I'd hardly call that "nu-metal."

Also you misused "industrial."
To be honest, I've listened to it once, and I haven't been able to get into it. Give me Vanity/Nemisis over it any day. And of course it doesn't even come remotely close to Morbid Tales or To Mega Therion.