The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

What the fuck? I'm listening to Sabbat - "Karmagmassacre". I was expecting black metal, and got this stuff that sounds like Venom mixed with Overkill. Not that I don't like it, I'm just surprised. I actually like this quite a lot.
Hammer of Might said:
:lol: haha, I don't believe it!

TODAY on the bus I decided to give that album a spin! Which is incredibly rare. I came to the pretty swift conclusion that it was "artificial and boring". After deciding on that two word summary, I attempted to revist the new Maiden album, for which the one word summary "boring" unfortunately sufficed before long.

I know you may say that the whole approach of Limbonic Art is "artificial", but I don't care - I don't really want to hear overly long songs with computer drums, pretty indistinct guitar riffs and a constant shriek about seemingly generic themes like the "fire in his soul". Not my thing, I like my metal to retain a more organic, raw rock and roll element.

It works for me. A great combination of programmed drum attack a la Anaal Nathrakh combined with the pure majesty of Emperor, or something like that. Plus the vocalist that made Zyklon's "World Ov Worms" my favorite Zyk. album impresses me even more in his own band.
MetalNoob said:
I know this is late, but how's the new Unleashed album?

It's great for a new Unleashed and extreme enough where the band is not outdated. Unleashed made some classic early 90's death metal and still make better music now than a lot of new bands which is great. Fredrik the bands latest second guitarists(he's not really new to the band but not on the first 4) writes majority of the music and is a really good lead guitarist. Unleashed only had a few solos scattered around on the old albums so they're taking a slight different approach by going all out on the leads. Bassist/vocalist Johnny Hedlund use too write majority of the music so this is different factor since he does not write much. I would say the album is very similiar to the last one Sworn Allegience just over all written better. My complaint would be the cd having 15 songs. There being 15 songs ranging mainly 2,3 minutes takes away from the music, regardless the songs being short it still becomes monotonous and blends together. I usually like cds with around 6 to 9 songs. I don't know why the band feels in recent years they have to write 5,6 extra songs than they originally did in the past.
Impudent said:
What the fuck? I'm listening to Sabbat - "Karmagmassacre". I was expecting black metal, and got this stuff that sounds like Venom mixed with Overkill. Not that I don't like it, I'm just surprised. I actually like this quite a lot.

Yeah they're fucking good. Get Satanasword.
cookiecutter said:
Also, what do you guys think of Krieg?

The only thing I have is "The Black House" it's pretty sick. Weird ass Velvet Underground cover, but all in all it's pretty brutal for Black Metal. And the riffs can be pretty melodic at times too (in a certain way)
Killbot: thanks for pointing out Super Fun Happy Slide to me inadvertently. This shit is pretty fucking good grind/goregrind from Australia! And somehow they're signed to Bizarre Leprous!
The Greys said:
It's great for a new Unleashed and extreme enough where the band is not outdated. Unleashed made some classic early 90's death metal and still make better music now than a lot of new bands which is great. Fredrik the bands latest second guitarists(he's not really new to the band but not on the first 4) writes majority of the music and is a really good lead guitarist. Unleashed only had a few solos scattered around on the old albums so they're taking a slight different approach by going all out on the leads. Bassist/vocalist Johnny Hedlund use too write majority of the music so this is different factor since he does not write much. I would say the album is very similiar to the last one Sworn Allegience just over all written better. My complaint would be the cd having 15 songs. There being 15 songs ranging mainly 2,3 minutes takes away from the music, regardless the songs being short it still becomes monotonous and blends together. I usually like cds with around 6 to 9 songs. I don't know why the band feels in recent years they have to write 5,6 extra songs than they originally did in the past.

Wow, thanks for the depth (and your signature bulky as fuck paragraphs that would make an english teacher cry). It's good to have an idea of an album before diving in.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Killbot: thanks for pointing out Super Fun Happy Slide to me inadvertently. This shit is pretty fucking good grind/goregrind from Australia! And somehow they're signed to Bizarre Leprous!
:kickass: It's catchy shit and the Simpsons quotes are the icing on the cake.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Killbot: thanks for pointing out Super Fun Happy Slide to me inadvertently. This shit is pretty fucking good grind/goregrind from Australia! And somehow they're signed to Bizarre Leprous!

super fun happy slide is a band name? kinda like fuzzy and the happy mountain gentleman is also a band (don't listen to them it is the sound of screaming babies with some drum accompaniment

but i'm gunna check out sfhs
Necuratul said:
The self titled is one of the finest displays of creative traditional metal you could possibly find.

I'm actually half way through it. I think I keep forgetting the era it was written in cause I keep mistakenly comparing to later traditional metal. The beg. was excellent, but it seems to be letting down now. I'm listening to "Free Man" (good song so far)

Edit: Holy shit! Angel of Death is amazing!