The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

And I've realized that Sancrosancts Bleed is probably(and hopefully) the mehest album in In Slaughter Natives' catalogue and not a very good introduction to the band at all. Should've tried something else by them first
What do y'all think of the band Unleashed? I had a promo copy of the CD Hell's Unleashed a few years ago, bought it cos it sounded different, heavy as shit but quite different from all the other DM bands in the used bin. Granted not every song's a winner, but damn is this band addictive, anyone agree?
On Unleashed....

Go in this order.

1. shadows in the 'fuckin' deep
2. where no life dwells
3. across the open sea
4. victory

after that hear whatever the fuck ever.
Brutality- Screams of Anguish

Just really listened to this for the first time in a long time, and it's a lot better then I remember.... A LOT. The first track "These Walls Shall be Your Grave" could easily be in my top 10 favorite songs right now.
Who else here find Urfaust rather intruiging?

They're so different from anything I've really heard before. Though I don't really see how they're Black Metal.
Who else here find Urfaust rather intruiging?

They're so different from anything I've really heard before. Though I don't really see how they're Black Metal.
Uh, because they are very much black metal? There's a fuckload of folkish influences, and even some spacey/industrial, plus the totally absurd amount of classical music thrown onto their albums, but overall, the music that they play is unquestionably black metal. And fucking fantastic, too.
Brutality- Screams of Anguish

Just really listened to this for the first time in a long time, and it's a lot better then I remember.... A LOT. The first track "These Walls Shall be Your Grave" could easily be in my top 10 favorite songs right now.

That is one of the first death metal albums I owned. The lead guitar work and harmonies create some incredible atmosphere. Guitarists jay and don hit some bizarre harmonics also which is one of the first things I noticed. I find the album pretty eerie and depressing at times while remaining intensity. Great harmonizing with guitar and excellent musicianship.

Check out When The Sky Turns Black next. avoid 'in mourning'.
That is one of the first death metal albums I owned. The lead guitar work and harmonies create some incredible atmosphere. Guitarists jay and don hit some bizarre harmonics also which is one of the first things I noticed. I find the album pretty eerie and depressing at times while remaining intensity. Great harmonizing with guitar and excellent musicianship.

Check out When The Sky Turns Black next. avoid 'in mourning'.

Yea, there is great guitarwork. I noticed a lot harmonics starting towards the end of the album. This is one of those rare albums where I feel it picks up nearing the end. The insturmental tracks really set the mood complete also.