The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Nothing beats freshly ground Colombian beans in a stove top percolator at home first thing in the morning. Nothing. Gloria Jeans is like nuns piss in comparison.
You don't have to drink it plain. I know a lot of people who do though. Coffee is better than soda's,etc... and pretty much anything you can drink.
You don't have to drink it plain. I know a lot of people who do though. Coffee is better than soda's,etc... and pretty much anything you can drink.

I often drink coffee also but I only drink it when I am beat. I bet you cannot function anymore without coffe The Greys.
I drink a huge mug of stiff coffee in the morning. I didn't have it Monday (I forgot to set my alarm and massively overslept, and therefore didn't have time), and I felt the effect all day long. I felt all tired and shitty. Black coffee is gross. I need milik and sweetener in it.
If you think black coffee is gross then you need to spend a little more and get fresh whole beans. I'm about to make some now.

There was a study recently that says coffee helps repair your liver after a night of drinking.
I used to drink my coffee black but I've gotten tired of that recently. I just need a little variety, y'know.
The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

*The Thread Where You Talk About Hot Drinks You Like...?

Anyway, Caducity's Whirler Of Fate is possibly one of the top ten death metal albums ever. I upped the lyrics to M-A if anyone wants to see 'em, but I didn't get done delineating the actual vocalized sections from the narrative/flavor text sections using bear with it and you're gonna need to pay attention to follow along!
I listened to probably my favorite power/melodic album this morning, Avian-From The Depths of Time. I already loved it, but it kicked the shit out of me more than it ever has. Listen to it.