The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

de mysteriis dom sathanas for me, is streaks ahead of anything else in the black metal circles. its one of the best albums ever written.

right now im really enjoying averse sefira - tetragrammatical astygmata. quite an under-appreciated album round these parts imo.
right now im really enjoying averse sefira - tetragrammatical astygmata. quite an under-appreciated album round these parts imo.

Is it? I'm not surprised. It sounded so generic at first listen but it grew on me every listen and continues to do so. You start to notice little things, like the symmetry of some of the songs and the intricacy of the drumming.
any and all of their albums. "homecoming's march" is my personal tops. best "black" band i've ever heard from a) texas, b) from america, c) and from the last 7 or 8 years.

a) Close call for me, but Absu hold that crown
b) Top 10 perhaps. Nothing beats Weakling though
c) Arguable, but meh. Rokk on. They fucking rule a shitload.
Décadent;5574751 said:
a) Close call for me, but Absu hold that crown
b) Top 10 perhaps. Nothing beats Weakling though
c) Arguable, but meh. Rokk on. They fucking rule a shitload.

a) on record it's arguable, but they utterly pppwnnn absu live
b) well, yeah. but that's like comparing any baller's game to Michael Jordan dropping 60 in the playoffs when he had the flu...
c) i can't name another USBM act since pretty much ever that i've actually cared when they released a new album. i'm kinda over Xasthur now.
if he'd never released anything and one day someone found him dead in his basement surrounded by thousands of hours of demo tape and then they released that over the course of several years, he'd be much kooler and svpergrim.

like an evil Tupac.

