...And okra for all
I'm sorry but when opinions and bias come into play, common sense seems to fuck off in a different direction. We can argue all day long and never come to an agreement. Better put it to rest now.
You must not have listened to very much death metal.effigy is good but pierced from within has some of the most complex song structures ive ever heard in deathmetal and that makes it AWESOME
Effigy is more consistently good.
You must not have listened to very much death metal.
i dont know of any band that incorporate that thematic style of song structuring as well as suffocation bar maybe the chasm
I received Humanure today, the original uncensored version which is good. I can't stand censored artwork.
Anyway it's pretty damn enjoyable, makes me wonder why Cattle Decapitation get so much shit on here.
Heh, I've never had a problem with Tardy's vocals. It's been aeons since I've listened to Cause of Death.
Greys, you need some fucking Nocturnus on that USDM list.