The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I'm thinking of picking up Chimera. How is it compared to DMDS? In terms of how the music differs.

The production is much cleaner and chunkier and the vocals are screamed more often than the dark spoken narratives like that of DMDS.

EDIT: also, the riffs are more melodic somehow and the overall musicality gives off a blackened death vibe.
Décadent;5608932 said:
Had to dig this up to ensure I wasn't going crazy:

Haha, I went to the thread that post was originally from and holy fuck, a year has gone by and I am now amazed at what an idiot I was back then.
It amazes me even more because I know in another year I'll find a post from me here and realize just how fucking stupid I was then, and the year after the same will happen.

A goddamned vicious cycle.