The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

mastodon has very strong progressive rock influences (listen to a song like sleeping giant or aqua dementia) along with thrash, hardcore and doom (more in their 1st 2 albums) influences

how the hell are they not a prog metal band??

Considering you readily admit knowing fuck all about music, why do you feel the need to pontificate about bands as though you're completely learned in all that is metal?
What do people think of Orphaned Land's Mabool? I listened to it for the first time today and I've got to say it was quite a mixed bag, some fantastic parts, some not so fantastic parts.
Mastodon are good at what they do but not prog, the band has gotten more technical and expirimental over the years though.
I did not like it at first and found the production strange and horrible. I have a few songs and put them on once in awile and it just clicked. There was alot of strange doomy riffs I did not notice before and the drumming is great.

What do you like better

privilege of evil or the karelian isthmus
fuck genres. a band like mastodon is pretty much impossible to define since it's a mix of everything from sludge, heavy metal and hardcore to extreme shit.
has anyone else thought of most of their new album as a throwaway? I love the first three songs, but most of the other shit mostly comes across as Dillinger wankery or flat out boring.
fuck genres. a band like mastodon is pretty much impossible to define since it's a mix of everything from sludge, heavy metal and hardcore to extreme shit.
has anyone else thought of most of their new album as a throwaway? I love the first three songs, but most of the other shit mostly comes across as Dillinger wankery or flat out boring.

yea it's very experimental, very strong progressive influence, and pretty technical (obviously) - it's very good IMO

give it a few more chances
Privilege of Evil.

I knew you would say that.

Speaking of purtenance, 'members of immortal damnation' went for around 80 dollars on Ebay recently. I try and keep track of euro death metal on ebay hopefully finding some cool albums. I missed out on Centinex -subconcious lobotomy recently and was kinda annoyed(I think it was only pressed 1000 times)