The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Back on Decapitated. Some of the releases don't even really sound like death metal to me. The latest for example sounds like meshuggah meets fear factory with hardcore vocals.
I just want to say that bloodbath is the best new death metal band and my bloodbath shirt fucking kills.
I love Emperor. I just wish they would have put out more albums in the vein of at least IX Equ.; I just can't stand the prometheus crap. I listened to ATWAD, ITNE, and IX yestersay, and it seemed like so little. I just wish there was more. Such a shame that such a great band has such a limited discography.

Yes, but you never get bored of Emperor, so it's ok that there is a limited number of songs by them to listen to. Most are genuine masterpieces.

Also, give Prometheus some more time to grow on you. It took me a really long time before I finally got used to it, and now I really like it.
Interesting comment actually, because out of the 'big names' in black metal that one checks out when first discovering the genre, Emperor have become a band I hardly ever listen to now.

It's not that I don't think they're a good band, I just don't find them as essential as bands like Darkthrone, who I still listen to a lot. It's important to be aware of Emperor and what they did, but unfortunately I can't say that I never got bored of them.
Emperor's significance was showing that black metal can take so many new forms if you go beyond the tr00 sound, and in a way that did not betray the genre.
Have you gotten that Sacrilege album already?I have boh full-lengths by the band and can upload them if you want

Yeah I found Lost in the Beauty You Slay but couldn't find The Fifth Season. I'd still be interested in hearing it though.
I think I have some demo material from Mordicus.

Atomizer - "The Death of Forever"
This is some rockin' black/thrash!
Eh, Atomizer are one of those bands I've tried a million times and have never been able to comfortably listen to. I'm told the drummer killed himself recently though, hich is a right fucking shame.

Emperor's significance was showing that black metal can take so many new forms if you go beyond the tr00 sound, and in a way that did not betray the genre.
I think you're thinking of Dissection.
I knew that he died, but I was not aware that he committed suicide. 'Tis indeed a shame. :(
Arghoslent update(!) from their website:

• Arghoslent is currently in the studio working on their 3rd album "Hornets of the Pogrom". Songs include: "Swill of the Knaves", “In Coffles They Were Led”, “Terra Nullius”, "Manacled Freightage", "Dog and Broom", "The Grenadier", "Fodder for the Shoah", "The Eugenic Fumigant", etc...