it just fits the aggresion and intensity of the music (talking about death metal)
how ridiculous would this sound with clean vocals?
that's just your taste, don't speak for everybody
No, no, no. Why is acceptable for the vocals to suck and not the instrumentals? The voice is just as much a part of the music, and yet people accept- sometimes prefer- when it's horrible. I don't but the explanation that metal is "not about" vocals. It doesn't make sense.
Most n00bs don't like extreme metal vocals when they first get into extreme metal. I sure as hell didn't.
everybody tell andrew good death metal bands without very offensive death metal vocals so he can get used to it
Necuratul you might want to try not voicing such strong opinions which you'll probably regret in a year's time. you might want to try not voicing such strong opinions which you'll probably regret in a year's time.