The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I've been on an In Flames tangent for the past few days. I've been spinning Colony and Clayman, mostly. It's great returning to stuff like this. Never disappoints.
I feel the sameway, not with Clayman though. Colony is still a damn good album in my opinion, I'm one of the few people that like it better than Whoracle. I would say the same about CoB but I just can't stand it anymore, it's too cheesy to even be considered decent novelty metal.

Either way, I've been listening to... Psycroptic's Ob(servant), far better than Symbols of Failure. Riffs are catchy as fuck.
Lucifer! ... angel of light
Cast below god of ice
Ruling hell unholy trinity
The traitors freeze for all eternity
Lucifer! ... betrayer of god
Tormentor ruthless and cold
Judas' screaming here in agony
The traitors freeze for all eternity
Been listening to Wolves in the Throne room constantly lately. Aside from that, The Flesh Eaters (not metal), Dimension Zero, and In Flames - Clayman have been getting a lot of play. I haven't been making much progress through the bulk order of CDs I bought a while back, but I recently listened to:

Gilby Clarke - Rubber - shitty glam/pop-punk/whatever it's called now
Supershine - Supershine - Doug Pinnick is a beast. Hard rocking rock/metal. Pretty good.
The Flesh Eaters - Dragstrip Riot - Solid rock. for some reason this is 1:15:00...but most of it's good. Really old school feel.
Blackstar Rising - Barbed Wire Soul - Rock/metal thing from the guy from Carcass. Pretty good, fairly aggressive.

Next up is Willard. I know nothing about this band other than that included with their album was a sticker saying "Willard: The Sound of Fuck." So I imagine it would be hard to go wrong there...
Clayman is such a good album. It doesn't get enough respect here. The title track and Only For the Weak are such epic, awesome songs.

Not epic at all. In fact, they moved away from epic on that album. The songs are short and catchy and sorta pop-y. Aside from that, yeah, killer album. I think the only song I don't particularly like is Another Day In Quicksand.