The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I don't mind Hatebreed as much as crap like Number 12 Looks Like You and other "scene" hardcore bands. I wish that trend would just die already. looking like a metrosexual doesn't make you seem "sensitive", it just makes you gay.

Shut the fuck up. A band's appearance does not really matter all that much, considering it is the music that matters. Some, though a very few, of the those "scene-core" bands have some interesting and have some pretty catchy songs despite their bad myspace genre tags. I would not say a majority of them sound good but to write every single one of because they look "metro" is stupid. Most black metal pictures are ridiculous, should we judge their music off of that? Stop sounding like a angst-ridden, disgruntled teenager.
Shut the fuck up. A band's appearance does not really matter all that much, considering it is the music that matters. Some, though a very few, of the those "scene-core" bands have some interesting and have some pretty catchy songs despite their bad myspace genre tags. I would not say a majority of them sound good but to write every single one of because they look "metro" is stupid. Most black metal pictures are ridiculous, should we judge their music off of that? Stop sounding like a angst-ridden, disgruntled teenager.

you must be a scenester too considering how personal you took that. takes one to know one, right?
No, I am not a scenester. I don't like those bands for the most part. I think their sound is pathetic so therefor I don't like their music. Their looks have nothing to do with my judging of their music. I dig Animosity and that's it of that scene. If you can't offer a good argument, shut up. Considering you listen to silly pornogrind. This is not personal you are just mindless.
you assume I listen to pornogrind bands because I like grindcore? you obviously don't know much about me. I like my grind crusty and noisy, not that downtuned groove grind shit. sure, Gut is cool but its not my favorite type of grind. learn something. as far as being mindless, you seem to take the cake considering you actually support trendy pseudo-grind like Animosity.
you assume I listen to pornogrind bands because I like grindcore? you obviously don't know much about me. I like my grind crusty and noisy, not that downtuned groove grind shit. sure, Gut is cool but its not my favorite type of grind. learn something. as far as being mindless, you seem to take the cake considering you actually support trendy pseudo-grind like Animosity.

Yeah, you are right Animosity sounds like a pseudo-grind band. I don't doubt that and the people making the music are about as mindless as you, but the music is nonetheless decent. I support maybe two bands within that scene. Lets clear that up before we go any farther, okay? TWO.

I understand that you have an a stance on the subject but you do not even make an attempt to sound articulate on the subject, so instead you say they suck because they are "fake" and "metro." What about their actual music? Can you write a full review on why Animosity makes shitty music? I doubt it. If you like your grind dirty, sure that's fine. So do I, but I can give reasons why Anal Cunt and silly pronogrind bands are a joke and are artistically worthless, musically worthless, and aesthetically unpleasing(Seth Putnam.) You can't do that and defend your shitty second-class grind bands by claiming other bands are "metro." I am not against that feel a certain way, I am just against how immature you deal with the subject and like on talent on debating your side of the subject.

it wasn't a joke.

Really. I never agreed to thinking grindcore rules and you say...

best genre ever. glad you agree.

Grow up.
you can't argue that Anal Cunt are a joke because then you would be missing the point. its noisecore. its supposed to weed out weak listeners such as yourself.

so go ahead, listen to some deathcore and go try on your sister's jeans and then show up at an ENT show so I can watch you get your ass beat.
I don't like deathcore, maybe two bands. Get that through your head, I am just debating your pure arrogance.

Define "weak-listeners." I listen to Sunn 0))), Merzbow,and Masonna. Extremely polarizing when compared to Anal Cunt, who seems like a dream compared to any pornogrind band. Andy makes noise and yet he has said he listens to As Blood Runs Black(I think he said so, also a band I hate), does that make him a "weak-listener?" Once you weed out the "weak-listeners" what is left with the music?

Again with your obsession on visuals and looks. Do you only like bands that look like men? Because an argument like "sister's jeans" has nothing to do with the music. Celtic Frost and Hellhammer wore tight jeans and so did a ton of hardcore punk bands. So you hate them to? You really have no points that hold weight.

Go to a Leftover Crack show and see how you will get torn apart more than you can imagine.
I don't like deathcore, maybe two bands. Get that through your head, I am just debating your pure arrogance.

Define "weak-listeners." I listen to Sunn 0))), Merzbow,and Masonna. Extremely polarizing when compared to Anal Cunt, who seems like a dream compared to any pornogrind band. Andy makes noise and yet he has said he listens to As Blood Runs Black(I think he said so, also a band I hate), does that make him a "weak-listener?" Once you weed out the "weak-listeners" what is left with the music?

Again with your obsession on visuals and looks. Do you only like bands that look like men? Because an argument like "sister's jeans" has nothing to do with the music. Celtic Frost and Hellhammer wore tight jeans and so did a ton of hardcore punk bands. So you hate them to? You really have no points that hold weight.

Go to a Leftover Crack show and see how you will get torn apart more than you can imagine.

SO ANGRY!!!!!1111

most scenecore music is one-dimensional breakdown infested garbage. the fact that Anal Cunt writes music without talent is completely missing the point. sure, you have decent taste, I'm not debating it, but until you make peace with the fact that I like pornogrind and noisecore this argument will be going nowhere fast. And I would never go to a Leftover Crack show because their fans would get mad because I excercize my 1st amendment rights, with my anti-gay and anti-woman jokes (its called I'm kidding around and you shouldn't take everything I say seriously).