The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I really love Black Lotus. They don't seem to be very widely recognized (no lyrics on Darklyrics). They probably won't be everyone's favorite, but I really enjoy them. I'd compare them to Borknagar; similar folk/black metal feel.

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I'd rather listen to retarded brutal idiot grind or slam bullshit than Omni speaking.
I imagine she'd have a sorta grating voice and would talk constantly and complain.
I don't like slam. brutal death, yes. slam, no.

go buy a hearing aid.

You're stupid for assuming that it was about you and not just two types of music that I really dislike. I realize that every single post that you disagree with personally offends you and warrants a hostile reply or calling other people names like a little kid, but you need to shut up every once in a while.

Go buy a brain.