The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

If it makes this simpler, pretty much the entire AA forum agrees that Once Sent is by far the best. Also, Ozzman is a well known fag.
It's not melodeath in the Children of Bodom sense. It's raw Swedish death metal with epic trem-picked melodies. Also worth checking out is the Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds EP.

My favorite from Once Sent, Without Fear:

and the perpetual fan-favorite victory march, Victorious March:
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It was good.

Anybody here a fan of Avernus? I'm listening to the song "For Every Waking Moment" for the billionth time in my life. It's a beautiful song, and great lyrics.
I'm curious, how many people here like bands like Boris, Sunn O))), Mastodon, Baroness etc.? I've always thought of this stuff as metal for hipsters and not for people who actually like metal. Is this true or do people into metal also like them?

I ask because The AV Club just released it's best metal of the decade list and a lot of it was that kind of metal.
I've only listened to Sunn among those, but I don't understand why you would think they're for hipsters. That seems kinda like saying dark ambient music is for hipsters.
I've only listened to Sunn among those, but I don't understand why you would think they're for hipsters. That seems kinda like saying dark ambient music is for hipsters.

A hipster is a person who just listens to bands you or other people have never heard of and bands that are only underground, and looks down on other people who have never heard of them. A person that can't listen to bands unless they're underground(regardless what genre's).

A hipster is also a person who dresses different because of music. A person who dresses the same all the time or a specific way is a hipster.