The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Just because they aren't being wanky doesn't mean it isn't good prog. It's actually magnificent in it's subtleties, and the lyrical work is great.
Currently listening to Enslaved's new album "Axioma Ethica Odini". Truthfully, I hate it. Not the music itself, but the really fucking gay singing on it. I wish I knew it sucked this bad, I bought a ticket to go see them with Dimmu in NYC on Nov 8th. I hate Dimmu too. And my friend that was supposed to go with me is in I'm fucked!

Anyway, I LOVE Windir. I think I'm going to get them tattooed on a body part somewhere. Vreid was just disappointing for me, they should do themselves the favor of resurrecting Valfar, because windir's leftovers just aren't the same.

I really like folk metal too. Ensiferum and finntroll mostly, I'm very excited to be going to see both of them in Feb.

Aside from that I've been listening to Falchion, Finsterforst, Trollfest, Watain and Darkthrone a lot lately. Nothing really new for me in a while, except for that retarded new Enslaved album. It really wouldn't be that bad if the clean vocals jumped off a cliff.
Anyway, I LOVE Windir. I think I'm going to get them tattooed on a body part somewhere. Vreid was just disappointing for me, they should do themselves the favor of resurrecting Valfar, because windir's leftovers just aren't the same.

You should check out Cor Scorpii:

Cor Scorpii is very good, and IIR it's just the keyboardist from windir.

vreid was poo when i saw them and i don't let them very much, windir is really cool but i can't get into much more than 1184.

Ah. I feel like that's their most user friendly album. I do LOVE Journey to the end though. Its a wicked song.

The first two are really good, Soknardalr and Arntor. Soknardalr took a little while to really get into, at first for me all the songs sounded the same. And Arntor is arguably their best album...just...."Arntor, Ein Windir" is like...the most classic of windir songs. I like the "squeaky guitars" in both those albums, its like..melodic and yet heavy at the same time.

And likferd...I love the man-singing (clean vocals) in it, Fagning is my favorite song because I adore that...weird synth/bass thing they do in there.