Checking out a track from the new Enslaved cuz of this debate. It's pretty good, and definitely feels quite proggy/post-blackish.
Cor Scorpii is very good, and IIR it's just the keyboardist from windir.
I do LOVE Journey to the end though. Its a wicked song.
Checking out a track from the new Enslaved cuz of this debate. It's pretty good, and definitely feels quite proggy/post-blackish.
It sounded good when Nokturnal Mortum had the big choruses, and the vocals are great on the Enslaved. I can't blame the guys who are 15-20 year BM veterans from moving away from extreme vocals. Better than sounding absolutely terrible like Ihsahn has since at least 2000.
Pick a genre and I'll tell you what's been owning me lately.
Drudkh probably should have gone with a bunch of singing also. It would have suited the music. (The guitar tone is slightly original, but it was an entirely predictable turn.) It sounded good when Nokturnal Mortum had the big choruses, and the vocals are great on the Enslaved. I can't blame the guys who are 15-20 year BM veterans from moving away from extreme vocals. Better than sounding absolutely terrible like Ihsahn has since at least 2000.
Not gonna make any fans here but I like them more than the Emperor albums