The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I've grown to like Ihsahn's solo albums, After and The Adversary more so than aNGL, despite not liking them in the beginning. I don't think they compare to the first two Emperor albums though.

Regarding his vocals, I don't think they are that different from how they have been since Anthems. They're less aggressive but I think the biggest difference is that on previous Emperor albums, his faults were hidden relatively well by the layered production. I think he's a great vocalist but sometimes his screams sound a bit weak but I've always loved his clean vocals.
I like Ihsahn's clean vocal work plenty, and I'm probably as big a fan of Peccatum as there is on this forum, but his harsh vocals since IX E have been uniformly poor, and probably as bad as anything you'll hear on a major release. I feel like there's not much more of an indictment of this than that for the live Emperor shows he's delegated much of the vocal work to the guest bass player. He just can't do it any more. Too bad, as what he did on ITNE and prior is genre-defining.
Ihsahn's newest solo record is atrocious. I remember a recent interview in which he expressed his disappointment that some people say he did his best work when he was 19/20 years old, but this is indeed the case. Early Emperor is almost untouchable.
I listened to After several times before I was able to appreciate it. I can easily see why people don't like his solo work, but I think it's a nice album.

And as is the case with most bands, the fans and bands themselves do not share the same vision so it's no surprise that he would say something like that. Most of the notable second wave Norwegian bands are known for certain albums of which the bands themselves don't think too much of when compared to later albums.
I keep putting off listening Isahn's solo stuff. This ^ isn't very motivating either. So I'll save it for later, or never perhaps.
I love Ihsahn's solo albums, don't have After yet though. Occasionally his screams are weak but for the most part I really like them. His new stuff is so different from Emperor it's almost pointless to compare the two imo.
hi guys, jus tryin to get back into the metal scene and looking for a few recommendations of some decent bands.

I like stuff like:

Pig Destroyer
Cannibal corpse

Anybody able to suggest some new stuff a bit similar in taste?

I've been listening to Revelation - Salvation's Answer and I'm pretty impressed. I really like the riffs. I'm not terribly familiar with their later work though.
1.Go to metal archives and go to anaal nathrakh's page on feto records link under labels
3.wonder what the fuck just happened