The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

VVVVV said:
Nick: Get. The. New. Busdriver. Album.

Oh hell yeah...if funds are available, that is. :(

Barking Pumpkin said:
I had already known all the music, but on the way to Cryptopsy on Saturday...


Sorry, WS just owned me again today.
Are you going to see them? You're really missing something if you don't. Lord Worm did the vocals just as well as they were done on None So Vile, as far as I'm concerned....he's improved since the "Graves Of The Fathers" video. And he's got awesome stage prescence too.
Been listening to LETHAL :)kickass: ), a bit of Emperor, and some older stuff lately: Celtic Frost, Heathen, Dio, Sabbath (but not Dio Sabbath), Fates Warning, Metal Church, Saxon, Savatage, Watchtower.

And hopefully I'll have downloaded and listened to Bathory's self-titled, Borknagar's self-titled, and Summoning's Stronghold at some point in the near future.
Everyone should check out the new Primordial CD The Gathering Wilderness. I've been listening to it every day. For those who don't know the band, they play blackened folk metal. The vocals are somewhere between clean and growls/shrieks; somewhat of an emotionally charged chanting that fits the music perfectly. The pained vocals together with the multi-layered melodic guitarwork give the music more atmosphere than just about any other band I've heard.
Life Sucks said:
Everyone should check out the new Primordial CD The Gathering Wilderness. I've been listening to it every day. For those who don't know the band, they play blackened folk metal. The vocals are somewhere between clean and growls/shrieks; somewhat of an emotionally charged chanting that fits the music perfectly. The pained vocals together with the multi-layered melodic guitarwork give the music more atmosphere than just about any other band I've heard.

I will definitely buy it soon.
Their last album, "Storm before Calm" was absolutely genious already.

At the moment i am liking Dopethrone by Electric Wizard and Transcendence into the Peripheral by Disembowelment.
I wonder why the Disembowelment album is not honored as an absolute classic..

Another thing i'd appreciate would be recommendations of neofolk albums like Ulver's Kveldssanger.
Justin_BORK said:
Is it just me, or does this new Blood Red Throne album annihilate?

It's not just you. The album destroys everything in its path.

Anaazarel said:
New Moonsorrow is quite good IMO, I dunno why it's been criticized.

The Royal Carnage forum @ Ultimatemetal consists solely of persons who love that album. I'm one of them. That album slays.
Freanan said:
At the moment i am liking Dopethrone by Electric Wizard and Transcendence into the Peripheral by Disembowelment.
I wonder why the Disembowelment album is not honored as an absolute classic.

Oh, it's classic, trust me...
Wow the new Despised Icon is good. And on Century GAYdia no less. No more br00tal chick vox, but this is still some mean-ass death/metalcore.
Gallantry over Docility said:
It's especially good with chips and advocaat.

I'm still really enjoying Longing For Death by Atrocity, EVERYBODY must hear this one. of their guys has long hair. Like....really, really, really long hair.