The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

How is Torchure?

Longing For Death is one of the best releases from Germany, along with Resurrection Absurd, Descend into The Absurd and Eternity: The Weeping Horizons.
Doomwatcher said:
How is Torchure?

Longing For Death is one of the best releases from Germany, along with Resurrection Absurd, Descend into The Absurd and Eternity: The Weeping Horizons.

Torchure are the next German DM band you need to hear, by the looks of it. All the albums you listed are wonderful and essential. In fact, three of them (not the Morgoth) are in my top 10 death metal albums, I should think.
I've listened to Miasma like 20 times in a few days now I think. They're so fucking good... and their production is the best I've ever heared
Gallantry over Docility said:
Doomwatcher: Another German DM band I forgot to mention was Anasarca, check out Godmachine and Moribund, I expect you'll like them.

Ah, thanks for reminding me about this band. What bands are they roughly comparable to?
It's a tough question really. Godmachine has sweeping melodies over uber-syncopated rhythms for the most part, very busy in the drum department. It's rather epic due to its subtle, well thought out transitions between moods of icyness and warmth. I've seen it compared to Golem's latest before, I wouldn't argue. I haven't given Moribund much of a listen, I recall it sounds a bit more all-out brutal, but enjoyable.
now listening to Behold...The Arctopus's "Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning" EP...very cool tech instrumental metal stuff. Awesome guitarist and bass/stick player. sounds like a very solid band. very avant garde stuff.
The arctopus are freakin great, I've got there Arctopocalypse Now... Warmageddon Later EP and I love it. Insanely technical, and insanely good.
sikth said:
The arctopus are freakin great, I've got there Arctopocalypse Now... Warmageddon Later EP and I love it. Insanely technical, and insanely good.

words of truth. I am now, proudfully, waving the arctopus flag. I can't wait for their full release.
unknown said:
words of truth. I am now, proudfully, waving the arctopus flag. I can't wait for their full release.

Yeah I'm eagerly awaiting it too, I have no idea when that will happen though! I can see these guys becoming really big with the level of playing and songwriting ability they've displayed on just two EP's. If they don't I will eat my own hands.