The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

They also have In The Glare Of Burning Churches and Following The Voice Of Blood down at my local second hand store. I was thinking about getting one of them, but I dont know which one to get? Help appreciated. :)
Both are good, but get the latter, it's more epic and less primitive+derivative. It loses direction in places though, not unlike some of his other work.
Hmm, I need to find some Graveland; the new songs posted to the webpage a few months ago didn't do much for me but I heard what I can only assume was earlier material and it was excellent.
There are three distinct eras of Graveland's discography (excluding the earliest demos, which are supposedly quite different). The first, generally spanning from the In the Glare... demo to Carpathian Wolves, was essentially derived from the early work of Burzum and Darkthrone, with quite a raw, primitive feel. The middle era, his most explorative, sees him delving heavily into folk influences and creating his own very Polish sound, the pinnacle of which is Thousand Swords. The final era, demonstrated most strongly in his last three releases, is akin to Bathory's Hammerheart era, though I don't feel it has the horizontal momentum needed to compete with that album.

Note: I use "him" here because I'm not sure which albums involved other band members.
The middle era, his most explorative, sees him delving heavily into folk influences and creating his own very Polish sound, the pinnacle of which is Thousand Swords.

Thousand Swords it is then!
Actually, I can't think of another term that'd be as effective as "horizontal momentum". "Distinct purpose and direction" or something to that effect would be more adequate than "sense of movement", but the use of two fairly common words which came to my head first is hardly something to cry "pseudo-intellectual" over...
I've heard the same about John Mayer. Neither one manages to cut it for me. Just not my thing. At least Mraz's cap is less annoying than Mayer's big head...

I do enjoy Jack Johnson, however. And Dave Matthews when he has his moments.


You bringing up Jason Mraz's solo work reminds me of something one of my "I hate popular music" indie rock girl friends brought up today. About John Mayer.

I know I'm going to get a castration by the torture wench's personal guillotine for this, but it's nice to see you have the guts to admit that you're still a girl. :)
current playlist:

dysrythmia - no interference
necrophagist - epitaph
canvas solaris - sublimation
current 93/thomas ligotti - in a foreign town, in a foreign land
I love blaze, I think they are a very underrated band, everyone sees him as the guy who used to be in amiden. He has his own band now for those of you who didnt know, I have all his albums, I laway go to his gigs. He is awesome. I recommend all his albums
Well I have a few bands and albums I enjoy listening to while I work out, but they are starting to get a bit old after so many listens each. I'm basically looking for pretty energetic death metal.

Stuff I listen to a lot:
Misery Index - Retaliate
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Vehemence - Helping The World To See and God Was Created
Psycroptic - Scepter of the Ancients
Unearth - The Oncoming Storm

Stuff I listen to when I feel like it (more rarely)
Dying Fetus
Amon Amarth
The Berzerker

I really like those first few I listen, so anything that sounds like that would be awesome. I tried amazon, but that did not really help. The search seems to be down, so I couldn't search if someone has posted this exact question before.