The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Nope, never even heard of them until now. Are they anything like Electric Wizard, Sleep style doom? I'm guessing not from glancing at their description.
No they're "extreme doom" if there ever was a band deserving that tag. Doom that speeds up sometimes into death metal. Not stoner-y.
I have been digging these lately:

-the new Negurã Bunget EP
-the new Stargazer (THANK YOU DECADENT, OH fucking GOOD)
-Suffocation - Effigy Of Ther Forgotten (but this should always be on this list anyways)
-Zoät-Aon - Star Autopsy (oh yes awesome dark fucking ambient. nightmares set to music. also has an undeniable "ritual" feel...:

'Star Autopsy' presents nine multi-dimensional dark ambient tracks which range from radiant textures, mesmerizing / swirling soundscapes to dense / crushing walls of sound and hidden abstract melodies. By using conventional instruments, various sound generating devices (such as analog synthesizers and samplers), vocals and other carefully chosen sonic objects Zoät·Aon manages to create an unique, dynamic and truly enigmatic / expansive atmosphere that continuously spirals further towards the unknown areas of consciousness. (total time: 66:21).)

-Blood Ritual - Black Grimoire (solid solid semi-melodic death metal...on MORIBUND)
-Immaculate:Grotesque - Circles
-Crawl Unit - Everyone Gets What They Deserve
-Niellerade Falibilisthorstar - Hackelsekista
Cradle of Filth. Sound Great if your into more symphonic metal. Now if only Dani was audible, because his lyrics are amazing.
Samson said:
Cradle of Filth. Sound Great if your into more symphonic metal. Now if only Dani was audible, because his lyrics are amazing.

you're not going to fit in here
no doubt - tragic kingdom is a fucking AWESOME album and Nick better come in here and agree with me because im sure as hell nobody else is going to
well i'll be :eek:

i need to listen to the new Stargazer more, so far i really like the instrumentals but the other tracks didnt really strike me that much
I didn't like the new Stargazer at first, but then I heard the intro track, and it definitely helped me rediscover the other tracks I heard first.

Tragic Kingdom is the last tolerable No Doubt album. I happen to prefer their debut personally. :D