The Top 5 List Thread

Top 5 background Deus Ex characters too minor to 1) have custom skins/models 2) reoccur in later levels or 3) have lengthy conversation lines (subject to change because I'm probably going to replay this fucking masterpiece soon after having watched a couple brief gameplay bits on YouTube and realizing how much I've forgotten):

5. The chick with the weird fake southern accent in the Underworld Tavern
4. The "You made a big mistake, home boy" drug dealer
3. The "Yeah, like Nietzsche" UNATCO soldier
2. The canal boat chick that sells you weapon mods
1. The Erin/Decker/Young love triangle*

*NSF commanders mentioned in the first few levels but never seen until you reach their end, indistinguishable in person so I'm lumping them all together
Top 5 Manilla Road

5. The Fires of Mars
4. The Fires of Mars
3. The Fires of Mars
2. Return of the Old Ones
1. The Fires of Mars
Not that I really care about the opinion of a 10 year old, especially a 10 year old that grew up to be someone with opinions that I have no respect for, but I think it's hilarious.

I love Rik and Ade.


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Well the stuff that sells well anyway. I have had some pretty good American IPA's and microbrewery stuff... oh and Samuel Adam's Boston Lager is probably one of my favourite beers actually. But I still won't forgive you for Budweiser and Coors.
Top 5 Funkadelic songs

5. Can You Get to That
4. Lunchmeatophobia (Think, It Ain't Illegal Yet!)
3. Be My Beach
2. Super Stupid
1. If You Don't Like the Effect, Don't Produce the Cause
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