The Ugly World Tour 2011

I saw bodom in september they were excellent and they were only supporting not headlining .The sound quality depends mostly on the venue and since bodom was doing a european tour they had to take whatever they could get.
Just wait a couple days and you'll look back in hindsight and realize it was a awesome concert.

Was that at Northlands with BLS?
If so, that is the epitome of a bad venue.
Of course it is, but on the other side Enisferum looked like they were really enjoying the show and did a lot of things to make the crowd feel like that too (visual contact, gestures and so on). The setlist also isn't an excuse, because noone forbids them to play stuff they play barely ever or didn't play at all before. To be honest it would be cool if they did. Don't get me wrong, it was really nice to see CoB live, but they didn't make me jizz in my pants like I thought they were going to.

Ensiferum has always been fantastic each time I've seen them live, which is six or seven times. I've never left feeling even the smallest twinge of disappointment after an Ensiferum set. I'm amazed those guys don't get burnt out, considering they constantly seem to tour as well.

As for setlists, I agree. If a band truly became bored with the setlist, switch it up. I don't think any of the fans would mind hearing some seldom played material. I suppose if tour burnout becomes an issue, the logical solution seems to take a break from touring for a while, or at least schedule less dates. (Although contracts probably complicate this). I'm not saying that COB is burnt out from touring, or that they're bored with their own setlist because I can't know what they think.

They may have just had a bad night. I've seen them live many times, and sometimes they're fantastic and other times they're just solid, without being overly exciting. That's somewhat to be expected. It's just luck of the draw whether the show you happen to catch is absolutely fantastic, or just great.
Was that at Northlands with BLS?
If so, that is the epitome of a bad venue.

From my opinion edmonton doesn't have any really "good" venues they are all pretty average but out of them all i like the shaw.
The acoustics weren't that bad alexi's voice was just a little to quiet and one thing i like is how close you can get.
New to COB: thanks for sharing the clips! awesome! 15yo fangirl mode!!!
comments to previous postings:
Yes it is a job, ROCKSTAR (counts as “cool”), gotta pay the rent. a gig does bring in $ but the experience is worth the price of the MF ticket. agree the “merchandise” is the money maker.
they are human & probably have good/bad days. Ex. i met dave mustaine once, total dick (bad day) but megadeth rocked!
true COB fans (uncool) + interaction from the band = great show. a 2hr set is sweet, woohoo, praise goes out to all of the members, but every night for days straight, F*CK! remaining tour schedule crammed for 4wks, note, Feats of strength! then NA leg. training has to contribute but, will someone think of the children! keep them healthy & happy! WTF!
setlist is pretty sweet! dont mind a changeup when they hit NA. request for NPTD!!:rock:
From my opinion edmonton doesn't have any really "good" venues they are all pretty average but out of them all i like the shaw.
The acoustics weren't that bad alexi's voice was just a little to quiet and one thing i like is how close you can get.

There's a few acoustically fantastic buildings, but they aren't really meant for metal shows. Haha.
The Shaw isn't too bad. I think my personal preference is for the Starlite Room, but their security guys have been assholes over nothing the last few times I've been there, so I'm getting a bad taste for that place.

My biggest problem with Northlands was the organization of that show, and the fact that they wouldn't let us out onto the floor area with beer, and we could not see the stage from the beer gardens. If we had purchased seated tickets for that show instead, we would have been allowed to wander wherever we wanted with beer, so that was verging on retarded. Not to mention that there was no coat check (which is basically unheard of), and we had several other issues with the staff there who refused to get car keys my friend had dropped underneath some stairs. They never did get them for her either, even after numerous attempts at us following up on the issue.
Paris was meh. Missed Ensiferum (when your ticket says 7PM, it'll obviously start at 6.30, and you'll hear only one song from the opening act), COB played 1h15, too hot, too much people (the original venue burned and the new one was way too little), too much kids trying to show you how to mosh -but getting punched hard because that's called experience-, no interaction at all except the eternal WHOOOPARIS WE'RE HAVING A GOOD TIME OR WHAT, crappy crappy crappy sound (Ensiferum was way better, never heard such a mess), no encore, and when you play the UGLY TOUR you HAVE TO PLAY "UGLY" otherwise that's stupid.

Wether I'm too old, or the band are.
omfg in 2 days they play in porto! i bought the ticket in january and im travelling more than 700km just to see them for the first time. i just hope it will be a kick ass show.

"COB heads to Ukraine in September

05 May 2011

Children Of Bodom adds Global East Rock Festival 2011 in Kiev, Ukraine on September 10th to their summer festival itinerary."
omfg what a show in porto! it was so worth it. i even got out of there with his pick he throwed!!!!
For those who speak french, here's the report I made for :
There are some good photos too ;)

To made a quick review in English, as a big fan of the earlier albums, I still go see them even if it's no longer a band I listen to.

This time in Paris, the sound was shitty and the band was kinda pissed of. I mean, no smile, no quick phrases to the audience, they juste played song after song and make me feel that we were just another date in a big tour. On top of that, they just cut the song Children of Bodom at half, before the most interesting part and didn't play Follow the reaper as they did in the previsous gigs...

I totally agree with what NERVE said...
the show in stuttgart was awesome ....

i wondered why they don't play the song "Children of Bodom" at full length ...
does anybody have some vids of the stuttgart show?

and can anybody tell me, what the hell Wirman said in german language? something with "Gummistiefeln"^^
Finally I get to see them tonight!
And while I don't travel as far as some of the people here, sitting in the train for 3 hours will be worth it.
I still cant believe one of Jaskas sticks was grabbed right in front of me in Copenhagen while I was looking on the floor for Alexis pick, which I didnt find either !! FFFFS !!!1 Theres still some part of the tour left, so plz guys, grab one of Jaskas sticks and send it to meeeee !!!11 I pm u my address ! :worship: