The Ugly World Tour 2011

Back from Langen, good show! Thanks guys. Pretty intense (and pretty hot *sweat*), enjoyed it a lot more than the last Blooddrunks... show, not that I know why. Special thanx to Roope & Henkka for giving me some eye-contacts from time to time, such always add something special to a show. All in all, great eve, only two things I'm not yet satisfied with:

- Playing time 75 min, c'mon guys... my drive has been longer than that :p So much for a decision between Ugly and ETID, we got neither :erk:
- Sound overall was pretty good, props to Kal, but keys were barely there (except for parts like LDB intro etc). I saw Janne more than I heard him :lol:

Seriously considering to try to go to Stuttgart show (in hope of getting Ugly or ETID at last ;))

Not much opportunity to take pics cause of the pit, but here's a few:




yeah eye contact between a band's members and the crowd is always welcomed. in my case i made eye contact a couple of times with all except alexi and jaska.
and nice pics btw
Thank you both :)
Forgot to mention that although I'm not that much into Ensiferum, their show was really awesome and well-fitting support, they really got the audience heated. MaSu was... well, a little bit boring. After them I had my doubts about the audience, but with Ensiferum the powers unknown were released :lol:
Thank you both :)
Forgot to mention that although I'm not that much into Ensiferum, their show was really awesome and well-fitting support, they really got the audience heated. MaSu was... well, a little bit boring. After them I had my doubts about the audience, but with Ensiferum the powers unknown were released :lol:
i heard about MaSu many years ago, they seemed to be ok with their cheesy game cover music style but i never expected to see them live.
yesterday it happened.... oh man... I was seriously considering leaving the hall.
they have been B O R I N G and absolute wrong choice as warm up band for this tour. If it wasn't for Ensiferum indeed the crowed would be simply cold.
ah well.... cob played AWESOME show last night. LOTS of headbanging, many pogos and the mosh pit. i was thrown from one side of the hall to the other in that mosh pit :D
Aye that's been a nice mosh pit, my lil' cousin who was with us has seen and felt her first one and never saw a Wall of Death before, and I had quite something to do defending our place directly in front of Roope :lol: Hah Roope's the man :blush:

"The book shoot begins tonight in Warsaw!

26 Apr 2011

The book shoot for the first ever Children Of Bodom photo book (out later this fall) starts tonight at the band's concert in Warsaw, Poland! The photography will continue tomorrow in Prague, and in many of our other upcoming shows this year.

The photo book is dedicated to the whole worldwide Hate Crew and that´s why we want you to be in it. We´ve been shooting life on the road, the Hate Crew and all kinds of crazy shit for over two years. We´ll let you know soon how you can submit your own photos for the book and for other fans to see."
Well, I was at show in Warsaw yesterday and I must say I'm pretty disappointed... First of all, the sound quality was terrible, Alexi's guitar and vocals and guitars were too silent compared to the rest. To be honest, the vocals aren't the most important and interesting thing, but come on, I couldn't hear them in some songs. Also they put some shit effect on them during "Was it worth it?" making them sound like some black metal squawk or something.
The thing that pissed me off was fact, that there were no individual solos between songs. I remember Stockholm DVD with Jaska's Deadbeats, Clash of the Booze Brothers and short Roope's solo. Tonight we didn't get even a single one, guys just came out, played what they had to play, then left. Maybe I'm too critical, but after ten years of waiting I expected a lot more than the routine they showed. Ensiferum was great though (talked with them, also got a poster with autographs), didn't make it to see MS.