THE Ultimate Reamping Question ;-)

Reamping, to me, is the ultimate safety net. If the sound isn't as great on day two as you thought it was on day one, you've got a dry track & can tweak the amp out as much as you like.

Here's my suggestion: BEFORE THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS: Demonstrate exactly what reamping is: Have a guitar player play a track. Record the dry track alongside it. Then, after he's done his take, play it back through the reamp for him. The performance is exactly the same. It doesn't take any "rawness" away. The band, IMO, is just talking nonsense.... it's fear of the unknown & what they don't really understand. Obviously nobody's demonstrated what reamping is to them. Someone might have given them a shitty explanation & they've based their opinions on that.

I usually find that musicians can have strong opinions on things that they don't have a real understanding of. Demonstration is the key.

Good luck,